Human behavior in an organization answers to the Synergy test

Replenishment date: 03.11.2023
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... is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling necessary to formulate and achieve organizational goals
Utopian socialists tried to prove that the successful conduct of government affairs is possible only where... property is destroyed
Max Weber's principles of rational bureaucratic organization, in particular, include... (specify 3 answer options)
Elton Mayo's views on the relationship between employers and employees in the management process are called the theory...
Establish a correspondence between the school of management and its main achievements:
... discussion is a method of organizing joint communication in the interests of intensive and productive solution of a problem
Establish a correspondence between the type of adaptation and people’s behavior:
It is characteristic of psychoanalytic theories that they all contain an important common basic idea - the personality in them is characterized through the concept ...
According to the law of correspondence in learning theory,...
... is a system of a person’s attitudes towards himself, his generalized idea of ​​himself
Establish a correspondence between the extreme types of installations according to E. Bern and their characteristics:
The level of a person’s aspirations is characterized by... (specify 3 answer options)
The material type of motivation includes...
Based on their communicative orientation, they distinguish between... conflicts (specify 3 answer options)
A facadeist is a leader who...
... is a process of purposeful, organized activity; its representatives are not so susceptible to the opinions and sentiments of the group
... managerial skills include effective management of personnel policy - the ability to select and place personnel
... of an employee is a personality trait characterized by a person’s compliance (desire to comply) with legal and moral norms accepted in a given group, a kind of law-abidingness
... the level of prescriptive knowledge is represented by the projects of firms and enterprises, as well as decisions aimed at their successful functioning
... can be described as the ability and opportunity of an individual or group to exercise their will with the help of authority, law, violence and other means, exerting a guiding influence on the activities, behavior and lives of people in society
The leading method of non-verbal communication is...
... is specific information that is common to a specific group of people, and only provides them with a similar or analogous interpretation of messages
... communication is an information and semantic exchange, interaction between people, occurring through speech, natural language
... influence - this is the partner to whom the first attempt to influence is addressed
Establish the correct sequence of levels of communicative competence, from basic to most complex:
Match communication barriers with their warnings:

When hiring a new employee, it was announced that at the end of the probationary period his salary would be increased by 30%. At the same time, it was agreed that the salary increase does not lead to a reduction in the size of the bonus part, which will be paid in proportion to the tasks completed. In fact, the employee was faced with the fact that after the expiration of the probationary period he did not receive the promised increase in full, despite the tasks completed. His salary was increased, but a bonus was paid in the amount of 20% of what was actually earned, according to the implemented KPI system. What phenomenon has the new employee encountered in the company?
From the first day of work, a company employee is active in learning additional skills. He does his job well, but does not hide the fact that his needs and desires are greater than his current position. This employee sees himself as the head of a department in the future, takes advanced training courses and successfully implements the acquired knowledge in his work. Management encourages his desire and tries to support him by offering work tasks that go beyond his job description. What pattern, according to learning theory, are we talking about?
Additional Information
... is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling necessary to formulate and achieve organizational goals
Utopian socialists tried to prove that the successful conduct of government affairs is possible only where... property is destroyed
Max Weber's principles of rational bureaucratic organization, in particular, include... (specify 3 answer options)
Elton Mayo's views on the relationship between employers and employees in the management process are called the theory...
Establish a correspondence between the school of management and its main achievements:
... discussion is a method of organizing joint communication in the interests of intensive and productive solution of a problem
Establish a correspondence between the type of adaptation and people’s behavior:
It is characteristic of psychoanalytic theories that they all contain an important common basic idea - the personality in them is characterized through the concept ...
According to the law of correspondence in learning theory,...
... is a system of a person’s attitudes towards himself, his generalized idea of ​​himself
Establish a correspondence between the extreme types of installations according to E. Bern and their characteristics:
The level of a person’s aspirations is characterized by... (specify 3 answer options)
The material type of motivation includes...
Based on their communicative orientation, they distinguish between... conflicts (specify 3 answer options)
A facadeist is a leader who...
... is a process of purposeful, organized activity; its representatives are not so susceptible to the opinions and sentiments of the group
... managerial skills include effective management of personnel policy - the ability to select and place personnel
... of an employee is a personality trait characterized by a person’s compliance (desire to comply) with legal and moral norms accepted in a given group, a kind of law-abidingness
... the level of prescriptive knowledge is represented by the projects of firms and enterprises, as well as decisions aimed at their successful functioning
... can be described as the ability and opportunity of an individual or group to exercise their will with the help of authority, law, violence and other means, exerting a guiding influence on the activities, behavior and lives of people in society
The leading method of non-verbal communication is...
... is specific information that is common to a specific group of people, and only provides them with a similar or analogous interpretation of messages
... communication is an information and semantic exchange, interaction between people, occurring through speech, natural language
... influence - this is the partner to whom the first attempt to influence is addressed
Establish the correct sequence of levels of communicative competence, from basic to most complex:
Match communication barriers with their warnings:

When hiring a new employee, it was announced that at the end of the probationary period his salary would be increased by 30%. At the same time, it was agreed that the salary increase does not lead to a reduction in the size of the bonus part, which will be paid in proportion to the tasks completed. In fact, the employee was faced with the fact that after the expiration of the probationary period he did not receive the promised increase in full, despite the tasks completed. His salary was increased, but a bonus was paid in the amount of 20% of what was actually earned, according to the implemented KPI system. What phenomenon has the new employee encountered in the company?
From the first day of work, a company employee is active in learning additional skills. He does his job well, but does not hide the fact that his needs and desires are greater than his current position. This employee sees himself as the head of a department in the future, takes advanced training courses and successfully implements the acquired knowledge in his work. Management encourages his desire and tries to support him by offering work tasks that go beyond his job description. What pattern, according to learning theory, are we talking about?
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