Organizational behavior MEBIK test Option 1
Replenishment date: 29.03.2019
Content: Organizational behavior test MEBIK Option 1 answers.doc (62.5 КБ)
️Automatic issue of goods ✔️
️Automatic issue of goods ✔️
5. Assignment for intermediate certification of students
Interim certification is carried out in the form of a final test (2 options). Perform the 1st option if your surname begins with the letters A-H and the 2nd if your surname begins with the letters M-Z.
Final test
Option 1
Organizational behavior is
the science of the laws of development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of human life and behavior;
B) a science that studies the behavior of people in organizations with the aim of finding the most effective management methods and preventing organizational dysfunctions associated with the "human factor";
the science of education and training, reveals the essence, goals, objectives and patterns of upbringing, education and training, their role in the life of society and personal development.
Organizational behavior as an interdisciplinary science is based on the following disciplines:
B) sociological;
D) mathematical.
To the main methods of organizational behavior:
B) questioning and polling;
D) interview.
The traditional approach suggests:
B) competition;
the principle of "unlimited growth";
D) quality;
E) expansion of production.
In the philosophy of the organization, the following prerequisites are distinguished
B) high quality;
D) value.
The orientation of employees towards responsible behavior corresponds to the model:
B) collegial;
D) guardianship.
Participation in the labor process as passive cooperation is characteristic of the model:
B) supportive;
D) authoritarian.
Closed organizations belong to the model:
B) authoritarian;
D) supportive.
The basis of the collegial model is
B) leadership;
economic resources;
D) partnership.
The developer of the theory of scientific management is:
B) Fayol
D) Mayo.
When reflecting another person, the principle helps:
the principle of inexhaustibility;
B) the principle of balance;
development principle;
D) all answers are correct.
A person cannot surely predict the reaction of a subordinate to his decisions - these are:
the principle of universal talent;
B) the law of indefinite response;
the law of inadequate display of man by man.
The law of splitting the meaning of management information is that:
the degree of information distortion is directly proportional to the number of links through which information passes;
B) the degree of information change is inversely proportional to the number of links through which information passes;
the degree of distortion is identical to the number of links through which information passes.
He formulated and proposed universal principles of management:
B) Fayol
D) Weber
The idea of increasing productivity in connection with the division of labor is proposed by:
B) Smith
D) Babbage
The main idea of Robert Owen is:
quality control implementation
B) increasing labor productivity
workers' interest in the company's success
D) a program for the rational use of cooperatives.
Technological dominant organizations are:
A) production of military equipment;
B) monopolistic organizations;
C) R&D, experimental centers;
D) organizations that produce consumer goods.
18. A low degree of individualism is characteristic of organizations such as:
B) Organizations with a market dominant
Organic organization
D) Organizations with a technological dominance.
Features of functioning that all organizations have are:
system of economic ties
B) the system of foreign trade relations
social network
D) system of competitive relations
The official goals of the organization are
Strategic goals
B) Tactical objectives
goals - declarations of intentions, directions, trends
D) all of the above
21. The revitalization process includes
modern information technologies
B) development of new technologies
concentration on consumer markets
D) individual development
Not relevant to the reframing process
mobilization of the organization
B) new types of business
Interim certification is carried out in the form of a final test (2 options). Perform the 1st option if your surname begins with the letters A-H and the 2nd if your surname begins with the letters M-Z.
Final test
Option 1
Organizational behavior is
the science of the laws of development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of human life and behavior;
B) a science that studies the behavior of people in organizations with the aim of finding the most effective management methods and preventing organizational dysfunctions associated with the "human factor";
the science of education and training, reveals the essence, goals, objectives and patterns of upbringing, education and training, their role in the life of society and personal development.
Organizational behavior as an interdisciplinary science is based on the following disciplines:
B) sociological;
D) mathematical.
To the main methods of organizational behavior:
B) questioning and polling;
D) interview.
The traditional approach suggests:
B) competition;
the principle of "unlimited growth";
D) quality;
E) expansion of production.
In the philosophy of the organization, the following prerequisites are distinguished
B) high quality;
D) value.
The orientation of employees towards responsible behavior corresponds to the model:
B) collegial;
D) guardianship.
Participation in the labor process as passive cooperation is characteristic of the model:
B) supportive;
D) authoritarian.
Closed organizations belong to the model:
B) authoritarian;
D) supportive.
The basis of the collegial model is
B) leadership;
economic resources;
D) partnership.
The developer of the theory of scientific management is:
B) Fayol
D) Mayo.
When reflecting another person, the principle helps:
the principle of inexhaustibility;
B) the principle of balance;
development principle;
D) all answers are correct.
A person cannot surely predict the reaction of a subordinate to his decisions - these are:
the principle of universal talent;
B) the law of indefinite response;
the law of inadequate display of man by man.
The law of splitting the meaning of management information is that:
the degree of information distortion is directly proportional to the number of links through which information passes;
B) the degree of information change is inversely proportional to the number of links through which information passes;
the degree of distortion is identical to the number of links through which information passes.
He formulated and proposed universal principles of management:
B) Fayol
D) Weber
The idea of increasing productivity in connection with the division of labor is proposed by:
B) Smith
D) Babbage
The main idea of Robert Owen is:
quality control implementation
B) increasing labor productivity
workers' interest in the company's success
D) a program for the rational use of cooperatives.
Technological dominant organizations are:
A) production of military equipment;
B) monopolistic organizations;
C) R&D, experimental centers;
D) organizations that produce consumer goods.
18. A low degree of individualism is characteristic of organizations such as:
B) Organizations with a market dominant
Organic organization
D) Organizations with a technological dominance.
Features of functioning that all organizations have are:
system of economic ties
B) the system of foreign trade relations
social network
D) system of competitive relations
The official goals of the organization are
Strategic goals
B) Tactical objectives
goals - declarations of intentions, directions, trends
D) all of the above
21. The revitalization process includes
modern information technologies
B) development of new technologies
concentration on consumer markets
D) individual development
Not relevant to the reframing process
mobilization of the organization
B) new types of business