Information psychology (test with answers Synergy/MOI

Replenishment date: 03.07.2023
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1. Knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during life, which are the result of human activity, are called mental ...

* neoplasms




2. The main method of classical psychology of consciousness is ...





3. The CHUKOTK(a) agglutigram encodes five key ethical principles in the work of psychologists, such as ... (indicate 5 answers)


* sociability


*correct behavior




*confidence in the correctness of actions




4. The methods based on the quantitative analysis of the information received include ... (specify 3 answers)

*ditex analysis

*intent analysis

* individual case history

*content analysis

*observation in vivo

*ethnographic research

5. The German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz first introduced the concept of "..."





6. … proved that the effectiveness of testing depends on the level of motivation

*A. Binet and T. Simon

*E. Weber and G. Fechner

* W. James and K. Lange

* R. Yerkes and J. Dodson

7. The ability to put oneself in the place of another subject or object, empathy, empathy.




* Empathy

8. Communication between individuals without the use of words presented in direct or any sign form is called ...

* verbal communication

*suggestion hypnosis

*directive communication

*non-verbal communication

9. The author of the psychological essay "Passion of the Soul" is ...

*Bacon F.

*Descartes R.

* Spinoza B.

*Hum D.

10. Speaking about the types of temperament, it can be argued that a person with noticeable mental activity, quickly responding to surrounding events, striving for a frequent change of impressions, mobile, with expressive facial expressions and movements, an extrovert is ...



*phlegmatic person


11. In 1936, the decision of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks) was issued, after which ... ceases to exist as an applied field of psychology

*differential psychology




12. The level of communication at which the true purpose of the interaction is hidden and the illusion of choice is created for the communication partner ...





13. The individual psychological characteristics of a person, on which the success of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities depends, but which themselves cannot be reduced to the presence of this knowledge, skills and skills, is ...





14. Type of psychogeny caused by an insensitive or rude attitude of a teacher, leader





15. Who is the author of the book "Psychological Profiles" (1910), which influenced the development of tests in Europe and America?

*Bekhterev V.M.

*Lazursky A.F.

*Lange N.N.

*Rossolimo G.I.

16. Social character - a system of personality traits that are most desirable for a given society and therefore encouraged by it. The carriers of the social character are the parents of the child, through whom society influences him. Who first introduced this concept?





17. The ability to present in the mind a scheme of an object, phenomenon, result even before they are actually perceived or implemented.





18. Connection, coupling of ideas, when one, having appeared, causes the other in the mind.





19. Type of psychological protection: the transformation of libido into the energy of constructive activity.

*Crowding out




20. The concept of “higher mental functions” was introduced into Russian psychology by ...

*L.S. Vygotsky

*S.L. Rubinstein

*A.R. Luria

*P.Ya. Galperin

21. It is known that test anxiety has a negative to
Additional Information
26. Tendency to blame other people for one's own failures.


*Causal attribution



27. The individual psychological characteristics of a person, which are a condition for the successful completion of an activity and the ease of mastering it, are ...




* giftedness

28. The hypothesis about the relationship between the tense state of the psychological field (the need to complete the decision) and the productivity of memory was proved using the effect ...





29. Uncritical adherence to the opinions, judgments of the group, susceptibility to social pressure.





30. Who is the author of the treatise "On the Soul"?





31. ... psychology reveals and describes the individual differences of people, their prerequisites and the process of formation





32. Identify the author of the treatise "Ethical Characters".





33. The author of the famous book “Thinking and Speech” (1934) is …….

*Vygotsky L.S.

*Leontiev A.N.

*Piaget J.

*Rubinshtein S.L.

34. In experimental methods that allow creating unusual or unusual situations for people and testing them in laboratory experiments, factors such as ... (specify 2 answers) are under the supervision of the experimenter (control)


*experiment conditions factors

*dependent variables

* independent variable factors

35. A student who does not prepare well for an exam attributes his failure to unfair demands on the part of the teacher. What defense mechanism is manifested in such behavior?



*Jet formation


36. Duality, inconsistency, manifested in feelings, actions, relationships, aspirations.





37. The technique of natural experiment (1910) was first developed by …….

*Blonsky P.P.

*Vygotsky L.S.

*Lazursky A.F.

* Ushinsky K.D.

38. Mental operation of abstraction from the individual, the inessential and the allocation of the general, the essential.





39. The science of the child and his problems, united within one discipline as psychological, pedagogical, anatomical-physiological, biological and sociological knowledge, was called ...






40. The author of the world bestseller "Games People Play" (1964) is.

* Burns R.

*Bern E.

*Erickson E.

*Harris J.

41. Group, on opinions, norms, the values ​​of which the individual is guided by.





42. The property of attention, which consists in the ability to focus on one and the same object for a certain time, is ...


* stability



43. A research approach that establishes differences not only in people's abilities and skills, but also in mood, motivation, values, preferences, is called ...





44. Communication, as a result of which the partner submits to his goal through a steady change in his attitudes and value orientations, is called ...




* suggestive


45. Who is the author of the book "Psychology of Art"?

*Vygotsky L.S.

*Sikorsky I.

*Stanislavsky K.A.

*Shpet G.G.

46. ​​Activities aimed at improving, developing, shaping a person as a person through a conscious, purposeful assimilation of sociocultural experience in various forms and forms is ... activity


* labor


* educational

47. Psychological discomfort (state): new experience (information) received by an individual is not consistent with existing ideas about oneself.




*Cognitive dis
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