Psychology of self-esteem test with answers Synergy

Replenishment date: 22.02.2023
Content: Psychology of self-esteem (ANSWERS).docx (113.89 KB)
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1. According to the results of psychological research, which refuted the thesis that high self-esteem is the key to a person’s life success, ... (specify 2 answers)

*an important role in the formation of self-esteem belongs to cultural factors

* self-esteem does not affect the individual claims of a person

*achievements in a particular type of activity are not constant

*value judgment about oneself is not stable

* the emotional state that affects the formation of self-esteem is changing rapidly

* self-esteem does not affect the level of awareness of a person

2. ... is a relatively stable, more or less conscious, experienced as a unique system of individual ideas about himself, on the basis of which he builds interactions with other people and relates to himself

3. The phenomenon of unrealistic optimism manifests itself when a person tends to ...

* underestimate the number of people who have the same traits, attitudes and values, doing the same things as himself

* overestimate the number of people who have the same traits, attitudes and values ​​and behave in the same way as himself

*consider yourself more successful and less affected by negative events than those around you

4. ... theory in line with the humanistic direction in psychology has become one of the significant contributions to the development of psychology

5. The concept of self-esteem was presented by W. James as a mathematical relationship ... * ideas about the ideal result to specific actions

*real achievements of the individual to his claims

*expected results to the level of claims

*real achievements to concrete actions

6. You can note such negative consequences of inflated self-esteem for a person as ... (specify 2 answers)

* no depression

*impervious to criticism

* insensitivity to own mistakes

*loser complex


7. Set the order of formation of the three stages of building a "mirror self", which were identified by Ch. Cooley:

1 how we think others perceive us

2 how we think others react to what they see

How do we respond to the reactions we perceive from others?

8. According to the concept of self-regulation, self-esteem in this process plays a role ...

9. According to the principle that was laid down in the study of the formation of evaluative opinions in Soviet psychology, ...

* by forming value judgments, evaluative thinking and evaluative attitude towards the result of work in schoolchildren, it is possible to teach self-assessment of the work performed

* the efficiency and effectiveness of labor are directly related to the adequacy of its assessment * the ability for adequate self-assessment is shown by people who have an appropriate cognitive resource

10. Domestic psychologists ... were looking for methods for the formation of adequate self-esteem in the context of activities that are significant for the individual

*A.Z. Zak, E.A. Mileryan, N.E. Shafazhinskaya

*M.V. Dubrovina, A.V. Sannikov

*O.I. Karpukhin, T.3. Kozlova

*A.V. Zakharova, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, N.E. Shafazhinskaya

11. Speaking about the distinctive features of domestic theories of self-esteem, it should be noted that ... (specify 2 answers)

* consideration of the phenomenon of self-esteem was inextricably linked with the concept of "I" of a person

* the connection between the formation of self-esteem and the development of a person's personality was noted

* such a concept as “psychological defenses” was introduced and considered, as well as the actualization of their role in the process of self-assessment was considered

* it was noted that the process of self-assessment causes strong emotions directed at "oneself"

*considerable attention was paid to the features of the formation of self-esteem in childhood

*works devoted to self-esteem have always had an applied aspect

*self-esteem was studied on the basis of the theory of self-consciousness

*the study of self-esteem was carried out in line with the activity approach
Additional Information
12. According to the definition given by the main school of psychology, self-esteem is ... (specify 2 answers)

* assessment by the individual of himself, his capabilities, qualities and place among other people

*o relatively stable structural formation, a component of the self-concept, self-awareness, and as a process of self-evaluation

* a special function of self-consciousness, not reducible to either cognitive or emotional components

* the critical position of the individual in relation to what he possesses, from the point of view of a certain system of values

13. The effect of self-exaltation is expressed in the fact that a person ...

* pays more attention to the information that corresponds to his idea of ​​himself and his self-esteem

* pay more attention to positive information about themselves than negative information, regardless of whether it corresponds to the self-concept or not

*wants to make the most objective view of himself, so he takes into account all the incoming information

14. ... the form of reflection is addressed to the person himself and is most clearly manifested in his self-esteem

15. The name of the American psychologist who first presented his theory of self-esteem is ...

16. Establish a correspondence between the authors and their conclusions:

A. Z. Freud

B. W. James

C. C. Cooley

D. A. Maslow

E. due to the collision of the ideal and real "I", the person either overestimates himself or underestimates

F. the higher the achievement, the higher the self-esteem

G. if the image that we see in the "mirror" or only imagine that we see is favorable, our self-concept is reinforced, and actions are repeated

H. self-esteem will depend on the goals a person is pursuing

17. In classical experiments, A.I. Lipkina, it was revealed that schoolchildren experience deep grief when the assessment of their work is lower than their self-esteem. How was this phenomenon explained and how does it manifest itself in adults in the practice of their professional activities?

*For the student, the assessment of his work by the teacher is the main guideline for assessing the quality of the work performed. In the logic of this hypothesis, children tend to trust the teacher, as adults later trust their leader.

*For the student, his own efforts invested in the work are the main guideline for assessing the quality of the work performed. In the logic of this hypothesis, not only children, but also adults are more likely to overestimate themselves.

*For the student, only the final grade for his work matters. In the logic of this hypothesis, children tend to be indifferent to the learning process. Subsequently, this manifests itself in adulthood.

18. The surname of the first Soviet psychologist who drew attention to the need to study the "tertiary conditions" of personality formation - reflection and self-reflection - ...

19. An important characteristic of the self-concept is its ...

20. The question of ... assessment was the focus of attention of domestic psychologists in the second half of the twentieth century.

21. … is the reason why studies to identify the characteristics of children's self-esteem were considered ineffective

22. The degree of success of an act of intellectual activity independently assessed by an individual is a cognitive ...

23. ... research methods have such distinctive features as uncertainty, ambiguity of the incentives used, no restrictions on the choice of answers, no assessment of answers as “correct” or “erroneous”

24. The focus of self-knowledge on the public aspects of one's Self contributes to the formation of ...

*socio-normative behavior

* reflections

* social aspect of self

25. ... self-assessment is an assessment by the subject of the achieved levels of development, analysis of the work performed, summing up and forecasting the consequences of the actions taken

26. Establish a sequence of actions when developing your own approach to the study of self-esteem:

1 define the purpose and objectives of the study

2 describe the contingent of the examined

3 choose test conditions

4 choose ways to process the results of the study

5 formulate your own personal characteristics and summarize the experience

27. The method of collecting and processing data that
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