Labor law MEBIK test 36 questions

Replenishment date: 28.06.2019
Content: Labor law test.rar (12.82 КБ)
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1. The main way to protect labor rights and legitimate interests of employees are:
A. Supervision and oversight by the ILO;
B. Self-defense of labor rights by workers;
C. Protection of labor rights of employees through the Human Rights Commissioner in the Russian Federation;
D. Protection of labor rights of employees by law enforcement agencies.
2. An individual labor dispute considers:
A. Administrative Commission of the organization;
B. State Labor Inspection;
B. Labor Commission, Court and District Court;
D. General meeting of the team.
3. The labor dispute committee must contain:
A. At least four members;
B. At least seven members;
B. Not specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
D. At least five members.
4. The Labor Dispute Commission is:
A. First instance for all categories of individual labor disputes, except for the exceptions provided by law;
B. First instance, if the employee considers it possible to apply to it;
B. By the obligatory authority, if specified in the employment contract;
D. The necessary authority to deal with all labor disputes.
5. The Commission has the right to consider individual labor disputes:
A. About refusal to hire;
B. About illegal dismissal from work;
B. Disputes arising in organizations and its structural divisions in accordance with the competence of the CCC;
D. About non-payment of wages and other compensation payments.
6. An employee has the right to apply to the labor dispute committee:
A. Within three months from the day when he learned or should have learned about the violation of his right;
B. Within two months from the day when he learned or should have learned about the violation of his right;
C. Within four months from the day when he learned or should have learned about the violation of his right;
D. Within a month from the day he learned about the violation of his right.
7. The Commission is obliged to consider an individual labor dispute during:
A. 30 days;
B. 20 days;
B. 10 days;
G. 14 days.
8. A meeting of the commission is considered competent if:
A. All members of the commission are present;
B. 2/3 of the members representing the employees and 2/3 of the members representing the employer are present;
B. At least half of the members, from employees, and not less than half of the members, from the employer are present;
D. The main members of the commission are present.
9. The employee's monetary claims are satisfied:
A. In an amount not exceeding the employee's annual salary;
B. In an amount not exceeding ten years' salary;
B. In full size;
D. In an amount not exceeding the employee's monthly salary.
10. Recoverability of amounts paid to an employee by a court decision, canceled by way of supervision, is possible:
A. If the revoked decision is based on false information or documents provided by the employee;
B. In any case, by court order;
C. In any case, at the request of the employer or his representative;
D. In any case, at the request of the labor inspector.
11. The conciliation commission from the moment of the commencement of the collective labor dispute must be established within:
A. Five working days;
B. Ten calendar days;
B. Three working days;
D. One working day.
12. The decision to declare a strike is made by:
A. Strike Committee;
B. Trade union body;
B. General meeting (conference) of workers or trade union with the approval of the meeting (conference) of workers;
D. Representatives of employees of the organization.

13. The employer must be warned about the start of a warning strike:
A. Not later than ten days;
B. Not later than two weeks;
B. Not later than three working days;
D. Not later than five days.
14. The employer must be warned about the beginning of the upcoming strike:
A. In writing no later than five days;
B. Orally no later than ten days;
B. In writing, no later than two weeks;
D. Orally no later than three days.

15. Regulation of labor and other relations directly related to them is not carried out:
A. By decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation;
B. Cohn
Additional Information
16. The day of dismissal is ____________, about which an entry is made in his work book.
A. The last day of work of the employee;
B. The penultimate day of the employee's work;
B. The day following the employee's last day of work;
D. The day of receipt of the full calculation for all hours worked.

17. Regional agreements should be concluded as a general rule prior to the submission of the draft corresponding budgets to the _________ bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
A. Representative;
B. Executive;
B. Executive and administrative;
D. Higher.
18. Employee representatives participating in collective bargaining ____________ cannot be disciplined or dismissed at the initiative of the employer without the prior consent of the body that authorized them to represent them, except in cases of termination of the employment contract for a misdemeanor, for which, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation , other federal laws provide for dismissal from work.
A. During their period;
B. Prior to their conduct;
B. After their implementation;
D. Within 1 year after their implementation.
19.Another locality should be understood as an area outside the administrative-territorial boundaries of the corresponding ...
A. Settlement;
B. Subject of the Russian Federation;
B. Municipal entity;
D. Settlements.
20. A fixed-term employment contract is concluded for carrying out work related to a deliberately temporary expansion of production or the volume of services provided, up to ...
A. 1 year;
B. 6 months;
B. 3 years;
G. 5 years.
21. The parties have the right to extend the collective agreement for a period not exceeding ...
A. Three years;
B. 2 years;
B. 1 year;
D. 6 months.
22. By agreement of the parties involved in collective bargaining, agreements may be ...
A. Bilateral and tripartite;
B. Quadrilateral;
B. Only bilateral;
D. One-sided.
23. The procedure for amendments and additions to the collective agreement _________ is established by the collective agreement itself.
A. Maybe;
B. Can't;
B. Should;
D. Only in cases specified by law can.
24. Representatives of a party who have received a proposal in writing to start collective bargaining are obliged to enter into negotiations within ________ calendar days from the date of receipt of the said proposal.
A. 7;
B. 10;
H. 14;
D. 3.
25. Severance pay in the amount of ___________ average earnings is paid to an employee upon termination of an employment contract in connection with the conscription of an employee to military service.
A. Two-week;
B. Monthly;
B. Three-week;
G. Two months.
26. If the term of its validity is not stipulated in the employment contract, then the contract is considered ...
A. Prisoners for an indefinite period;
B. Discontinued;
B. Invalid;
D. Prisoners for a fixed term.
27. Seasonal works are those that, due to climatic and other natural conditions, are performed within a certain period (season), not exceeding, as a rule, _____ months.
A. 6;
B. 3;
H. 2;
D. 8.
28. The employer ________ without consent to transfer the employee to work not stipulated by the employment contract to prevent a catastrophe, industrial accident.
A. Right;
B. Not entitled;
V. Right, notifying 3 days in advance;
G. Right (only males).
29. Workers under the age of ______ year (s) are not allowed to work at night, with the exception of persons participating in the creation and (or) performance of works of art.
A. 18;
B. 16;
H. 14;
D. 21.

30. The division of the working day into parts is made by the employer on the basis of ...
A. Local regulation;
B. Orders of the employer;
B. Labor contract;
D. Charter (regulations) of the organization.
31. The general day off is Sunday. The second day off with a five-day working week is set ...
A. Collective agreement;
B. Labor contract;
B. Agreement (at the regional level);
G. Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations.
32. To employees, with the exception of employees, _____________, for non-working holidays, on which they did not attract
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