Modern HR management

Replenishment date: 17.06.2023
Content: Modern HR record keeping.docx (42.17 KB)
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1. Permission to carry out labor activity in Russia for visa-free foreign citizens is a labor ... 2. Arrange the tabs of the 1C ZUP program in the order necessary to create a production calendar: 1 "Settings" 2 "Production calendars" 3 "Create" 4 "Fill in by default" 3. Unified form T-2 "Employee's personal card", approved by the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia in 2004 contains ... 4 sections. With a high risk category set for the organization, scheduled inspections ... *are carried out once every two years *are not carried out *are carried out annually *are carried out once every three years 5. Establish a correspondence between the options for the program 1C: Salary and personnel management and their functions: A. 1C: Payroll and personnel management 8 CORP B. 1C: Payroll and personnel management 8 PROF C. 1C: Payroll and personnel management 8 Basic version D. allows you to automate the tasks of personnel management in medium and large enterprises E. allows you to keep personnel records and payroll in various companies, from small to large, including those with separate divisions F. allows you to automate the maintenance of personnel records, payroll and calculation of taxes and contributions 6. Criminal liability is established in cases of ... (specify 3 answer options) * causing moral harm to an employee * unreasonable refusal to hire * non-payment of wages in full for more than two months * unjustified dismissal of a person who has reached the pre-retirement age 7. Establish a correspondence between the articles of legislative acts and the types of violations they regulate: A. St. 5.39 RF Code of Administrative Offenses B. St. 419 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation C. St. 145 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation D. St. 90, Art. 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation E. refusal to provide information F. violation of labor law G. misconduct with pregnant women and women with children under the age of three H. violation of the processing and protection of personal data 8. Establish the sequence of sections of the model provision on the processing of personal data: 1 general provisions 2 receipt and systematization 3 storage 4 use 5 transfer 6 confidentiality guarantees 9. The procedure for determining the qualifications, practical skills, business qualities of an employee and establishing their compliance or inconsistency with the position held is ... personnel 10. The organization LLC "Konta" accepts employee A. AP Ivanov with the II group of disability, the corresponding medical certificate is available. What actions, in addition to standard personnel procedures, when hiring an employee, should a specialist in * It is necessary to perform only basic personnel procedures in 1C ZUP (creating an admission order, a T-2 personal card, creating an employment contract), since disability group II is working. * It is necessary to complete the basic personnel procedures in 1C ZUP (creating an admission order, a personal T-2 card, creating an employment contract) and draw up an individual work schedule for, implying reduced working hours (no more than 35 hours per week while maintaining full pay) . * It is necessary to complete the basic personnel procedures in 1C ZUP (creating an admission order, a personal T-2 card, creating an employment contract) and draw up an individual work schedule that implies reduced working hours (no more than 35 hours per week with reduced wages in proportion to the time worked ). 11. Establish a correspondence between the types of leave and the grounds for granting them: A. Annual basic paid leave B. Additional paid leave C. Leave without pay D. Study leave E. Maternity leave F. Parental leave G. provided to employees on the basis of a vacation schedule or at the request of an employee H.
Additional Information
16. When hiring an employee, it is necessary to create and ... (specify 4 answer options) * a sheet of familiarization with local regulations and an entry in the work book * personal card T-2 * order of admission * employment contract * vacation schedule and staffing 17. It is not true that among the main documents on personnel training are ... (specify 4 answers) * Regulations on the system of training and development of personnel in the organization * Regulations on commercial secrets * Staffing table * Vacation schedule * Regulations on labor protection * Regulations on the organization of the external / internal training schedule of additional training * orders for referral to training 18. Among the categories of employees who cannot be involved in certification are ... (specify 5 answers) * working in the organization for less than a year * working in the organization for more than two years * employees over 60 years old * employees expecting a child * employees on vacation pregnancy and childbirth *employees who have taken leave to care for a child under 3 years old *employees included in the reserve for promotion 19. ... professions (positions) - this is the performance by the employee, along with his main job in the profession (position), determined by the employment contract, additional work in another profession (position) with the same employer during the duration of the working day (shift) established for him 20. The characteristic features of part-time work include ... (specify 2 answers) * that this is work in public commissions * that this is work under a different employment contract, in addition to the main one * that this is work outside the working hours established by the main place of work * free work 21. ... work is the duration of the period that determines the calendar time during which the employee must work out the norm of working hours 22. Choose one correct answer ... Labor Code of the Russian Federation. *192 *140 *77 *195.3 *201 23. Establish a correspondence between the names of personnel documents and their unified forms developed by the State Statistics Committee of Russia in 2004: A. Personnel transfer order B. Timesheet C. Personal card of the employee D. Leave order E. F scientist card. form T-5 (T-5a) G. form T-12 H. form T-2 I. form T-6 (T-6a) J. form T-4 24. The local normative act that determines the procedure for granting holidays is ... holidays 25. A civil law contract may be concluded for a period not exceeding ... 26. Overtime work must not exceed … hours per year 27. In a limited liability company LLC Line, due to the operational need for an accountant, Afanasyev A.R. required to work overtime on Wednesday and Thursday. How should this be reflected in the program 1C Salary and personnel management? * It is necessary to issue an order for overtime work for the accountant Afanaseva A.R. indicating the dates and hours of overtime work (no more than 4 hours for two consecutive days, in accordance with Art. 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation)), put a note that the consent of the employee has been received, indicate the reasons that led to the need to involve in overtime work. *It is necessary to change the current work schedule of Afanasyeva A.R. and conclude with her an additional agreement to the employment contract. * It is necessary to issue an order for overtime work for the accountant Afanaseva A.R. without specifying the dates and hours of overtime (so as not to violate Art. 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), put a note that the consent of the employee has been received, indicate the reasons that led to the need to involve in overtime work. 28. A fixed-term employment contract may be concluded on certain grounds and for a period not exceeding 29 years.
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