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Human resources department of the organization - synergy test (answers)

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Synergy responses to discipline - Human Resources Organization
This collection contains 71 answers
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1. External communications of KCCO include communications ...
2. In its activities, the personnel service should focus on ...
3. The functions of KCCO employees during certification include ...
4. External communications of the KSSO include communications ...
5. The internal regulation governing the activities of the personnel service is ...
6. Internal communications of the CSSO include communications with ...
7. The internal regulation governing the activities of the personnel service is ...
8. Allocate an active .... personnel policy
9. Kindness, responsiveness, justice, humanity, dignity of the employee of the KSSO refer to his ...
10. A document that, when documenting a legal action, on the one hand, is administrative, and on the other hand, acts as a primary accounting document and generates a technological chain of other personnel documents, is ...
11. A document developed for an HR employee and including the sections “General Part”, “Employee Functions”, “Employee Duties”, “Employee Rights”, “Relationships”, “Job Evaluation”, is
12. The document regulating the certification is called the regulation ...
13. Responsible for the work on the prevention of personnel stress in the personnel department of the organization.
14. Responsible for the work on the psychological support of personnel in the CSSO is ...
15. External communications of the personnel service of the organization include communications ...
16. External communications of the personnel service of the organization include communications ...
17. The internal communications of the personnel service of the organization include communications with ...
18. The internal communications of the personnel service of the organization include communications with ...
19. The intermediary organizations with which the personnel service of the organization interacts when attracting personnel include ...
20. Personnel policy is ...
21. The personnel service of the organization is responsible for the activities of the organization ... the labor market
22. The personnel service of the organization is ...
23. The personnel service provides information on the payroll number of employees, absenteeism, staff turnover, time sheets, information on admission, relocation, dismissal ...
24. The draft personnel policy is being adjusted ...
25. The leader-developer of innovative projects in the field of personnel management, requiring great attention and careful study, is a personnel ...
26. The methodology for the current assessment of personnel is being developed ...
27. The most effective approach to developing a methodology for the current assessment of personnel is the development
28. The presence of a psychologist in the personnel service of a small business organization
29. Having a Lawyer in the Human Resources of a Small Business Organization
30. the required qualification level, the level of responsibility and loyalty of employees The internal communications of the organization's personnel service include communications with ...
31. The normative number of personnel is ...
32. Object of activity of the personnel service ...
33. Organizational structure is a set of interrelated ...
34. Organizational and technological aspects of the protection of personal data in the personnel department are reflected in such a regulatory document of the organization as ...
35. The intermediary organizations with which the personnel service of the organization interacts when attracting personnel include ...
36. The main external regulation governing the activities of the personnel service is ...
37. The main document for determining the need for labor resources is ...
38. The main document on the basis of which the selection criteria are developed is ...
39. The main document on the basis of which the vacation schedule is formed is ...
40. An internal structural unit of the KSSO is understood as a mini-unit as part of the main structural unit in the amount ...
41. The preparation of a draft personnel policy is being carried out ...
Additional Information
42. The legal status and types of work of the personnel service and each of its employees are normatively fixed ...
43. When applying for a job in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must present:
44. The professional knowledge, skills and experience of a KCCO employee relates to his ...
45. The process of purposeful influence on the personnel of the organization in order to eliminate the causes that formed the conflict and bring the behavior of the participants in the conflict in line with the established norms of relationships is ...
46. ​​The work of the personnel service of the organization on the formation of a system of economic motivation includes the development of new ... labor.
47. The work of the personnel service for the prevention of stress consists of ...
48. The work of the personnel service for the prevention of conflicts consists in ...
49. The work of the KSSO on the formation of a system of economic motivation includes the development of new ... labor.
50. Work on the implementation of personnel policy is being carried out ...
51. Developer and implementer of creative approaches in the areas of activity of the CS, competent in special and technological knowledge,
this is staff...
52. The role of the personnel service in the implementation of the psychological support policy is ...
53. In its activities, the personnel service should focus on ...
54. The work of the personnel service for the prevention of conflicts consists in ...
55. The service structures with which the CSSO interacts when regulating the number of personnel are ...
56. The totality of personal qualities that provide an employee with the opportunity to work effectively in a particular workplace is ...
57. The totality of professional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a specialist to perform functional duties at a particular workplace is ...
58. An employee of the personnel service has the status of ...
59. A specialist who has a panoramic vision of the situation in the organization, has practical skills in the field of personnel management and expert skills is a personnel ...
60. A specialist who carries out operational personnel work is a personnel
61. Payroll is ...
62. Establish a correspondence between the types of documents and their storage locations:
63. Approval of the draft personnel policy is carried out ...
64. The phase of the conflict, in which the parties seek, as far as possible, to achieve their goals through negotiations, during which they change their personal interests to common ones that suit both parties - this is the ... stage.
65. The function of approving the program for increasing the level of stress resistance of personnel in the organization is performed by ...
66. Purposefulness, responsibility, exactingness, adherence to principles, honesty of an employee of the CSSO relate to his ...
67. The purpose of the activities of the personnel service of the organization for the implementation of the policy of psychological support for personnel is to create
systems that provide...
68. The purpose of the activities of the personnel service of the organization for the implementation of the personnel regulation policy is to create a system that provides ...
69. The purpose of the activities of the KSSO in implementing the policy of psychological support for personnel is to create a system that provides ...
70. The number of prerequisites for the correct organization of work on making changes and additions to accounting documents includes ...
71. A member of the management team responsible for developing a personnel strategy, organizational mechanisms for its provision, is
personnel ...
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