Physical culture SPO

Replenishment date: 11.03.2024
Contents: Physical culture.oi(dor_SPO).pdf (1.18 MB)
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"Beach Will" is...
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

receiving the ball
ball serve
game action
Beach volleyball
An acrobatic combination is...
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

sequential performance of acrobatic exercises
combination of studied acrobatic elements in any order
combination of studied acrobatic elements in a certain order
In basketball, in a positional attack, when choosing a system “without a center player” or with five short players, the team can use a moving system with an arrangement ...
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

2-4 4-1
1-2-2 3-2
2-3 2-2-1
In basketball, the interaction of two or more team players performing part of a team task is called the way ... of the game
Response type: Text response

In basketball, only... teams have the right to request time-outs and substitutions
Response type: Text response

In basketball, the best way to free yourself from your opponent and get into free space is...
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

running from place
running in a straight line
speed running
In basketball, when learning to turn on the spot, you need to pay attention to...
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

completing the first step
correct position of the supporting leg
correct position of the legs and uniform distribution of central gravity
leg bending and correct leg position
all of the above
In volleyball, the same player can touch the ball in one play, not counting the block...
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

three times
In volleyball, there is a type of serve called... (specify 3 answer options)
Answer type: Multiple choice • with the choice of several correct answers from the proposed options

one-handed feed from below
two-handed feed from below
top direct feed
top side feed
In volleyball, if the serve is strong and the ball does not reach the player a little, you should use the ball...
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

one hand from below
from below with both hands
from above with both hands
one hand on top
Currently, a skilled basketball team makes about... basket shots per game
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

40 – 50 Feet
65 – 70 Feet
70 – 80 Feet
75 – 90 Feet
In the rules of basketball there is a concept ... ball
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

soft and hard
alive and dead
flying and falling
fast and slow
In professional volleyball, ... games are played
Response type: Text response

In the process of sports training, two large groups of methods are used to solve specific problems related to teaching technique: ...
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

continuous and temporary
specific and ordinary
general pedagogical and practical
didactic and strictly regulated exercise methods
In the fifth game (tie break) the score goes to ... points with a difference of 2 points
Response type: Text response

In a duel with a defender, the player with the ball must...
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

keep the defender in a constant state of tension
be ready to take an advantageous position at the moment of the throw
create favorable conditions for single combat with an opponent
start the pass with dribbling almost always towards the defender’s extended leg
Are the following statements true: 1) When performing exercises on rings, all points of the body move along circular arcs. 2) When
Additional Information
The basis of the alternating two-step technique is a wide... step
Response type: Text response

Note where the ball begins:
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

choosing the direction of ball movement
extension of legs, torso, arms
hitting the ball and then following the ball
She won the first Olympic gold medal in the history of domestic skiing in the 10 km race... at the 7th Olympic Games
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

Raisa Eroshina
Alevtina Kolchina
Lyubov Baranova (Kozyreva)
The first four games in volleyball last up to ... points
Response type: Text response

The transition of players in volleyball from zone to zone is carried out ...
Response type: Text response

The position of the skier's body on the descent, in which the legs are bent at the knees, the torso is tilted forward, and the arms are bent at the elbows, is ... stance
Response type: Text response

When performing a running long jump, take-off occurs...
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

from the path in front of the beam
from the beam in front of the jumping pit
from the track in front of the jumping pit
When climbing a slope of 15–25 degrees, use...
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

simultaneous stepless movement
alternating two-step stroke
simultaneous two-step stroke
simultaneous one-step move
When building training in large cycles, the preparatory period is aimed at...
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

development of sports form
stabilization of sports form
restoration of physical potential
restoration of the athlete's mental state
Habitual posture (vertical position of the human body) at rest and during movement is...
Response type: Text response

A technique that is performed with a single-legged push and a two-legged push to make maximum use of the inertial forces of the run-up is...
Answer type: Single choice • with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed options

standing jump
running jump
high jump
standing jump
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