Methods for making management decisions

Replenishment date: 10.03.2023
Content: MEBIK_Methods for making managerial decisions_ТМ-009-69_Test.xls (58 KB)
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1. Whose interests may be affected by the consequences of managerial decisions?

A) an individual worker

B) the organization of a group of employees of the organization C) the collective of the organization

D) society as a whole

2. How does the management decision affect the performance of the organization?

A) right

B) indirectly

3. Why is a management decision made?

A) to determine the best way to achieve the goal B) to achieve the desired state of the organization

C) to achieve the desired result

4. Based on what the control action is carried out in the control process

A) based on set goals

B) based on the formulated tasks C) based on the decisions made

5. Is it possible to give the following definition: “a decision is a socio-psychological act of choosing one or more options from a variety of possible actions”?

A) can B) can't

6. Can the process of developing a managerial decision be considered a conscious and purposeful activity carried out by a person?

A) can B) can't

7. Is it fair to say that the process of developing a management decision is carried out only when certain management functions are performed?

A) fair B) not fair

8. What time is the management decision focused on?

A) in the past B) in the present C) in the future

9. Do managerial decisions have a rigid target orientation?

A) have B) don't have

10. Who makes the managerial decision?

A) governing body

B) a certain official C) an object of control

11. What is a management decision?

A) an algorithm that ensures the achievement of the goal B) the path leading to the achievement of the goal

C) goal-oriented behavior

12. What is the basis of what requirement for management decisions is the reliability and completeness of information?

A) validity B) timeliness C) targeting D) effectiveness

13. What is the requirement for management decisions means focusing on a particular performer, group of workers, unit?

1. validity

2. timeliness

3. feasibility

4. targeting

14. What is the requirement for management decisions that ensures decision-making within the rights, duties and responsibilities of decision-makers?

A) validity B) directiveness C) authority D) feasibility

15. What requirement for management decisions means that decisions must be carried out by a certain executor or department?

A) validity B) directiveness C) feasibility D) targeting

16. What requirement for management decisions is associated with the need to take into account all the factors that created the problem situation?

A) validity B) targeting

C) feasibility D) complexity

17. What is the requirement for management decisions associated with the need to take into account all the factors that will affect the functioning of the organization?

A) validity B) feasibility C) complexity D) effectiveness

18. What requirement for management decisions is based on a certain ratio of the result of the implementation of the decision when the goal is achieved and the costs of its development?

A) validity B) feasibility C) complexity D) effectiveness

19. What type of managerial decisions are made by officials within their official duties?

A) collective B) collegiate D) individual

20. Management decisions, what type are focused on a certain period of validity?

A) strategic B) tactical

B) operational

21. Management decisions, what type require selection from previously known similar situations?

A) simple B) complex

C) selective D) adaptive

22. Management decisions, what type require the development of new approaches to solve previously encountered problems?

A) simple B) complex

C) selective D) adaptive

23. In what form can a management decision be presented?

A) order B) calculation C) plan D) scheme

24. Can the process of process control be considered?

A) can B) can't
Additional Information
25. Can management technology be considered as a set of human actions aimed at changing the form or properties of information as an object of labor?

A) can B) can't

26. Is it possible to present the management process as a certain sequence of procedures and operations related to the development and implementation of management decisions?

A) can B) can't

27. Does the procedure for developing a management decision depend on the powers of certain officials and the functions they perform?

A) depends B) does not depend

28. Can it be called a problem the lack of discrepancy between the actual and desired state of the control object, control system, individual element of the organization?

A) can B) can't

29. Is the general scheme of the management decision development process cyclical?

A) is B) is not

30. Probabilistic models are used when making decisions:

A) under conditions of certainty B) under conditions of uncertainty C) under conditions of risk

31. The conditions that reflect the influence of the elements of the internal and external environment on the choice of a solution option are:

A) problem situation B) restrictions C) criteria

32. Quantitative or qualitative characteristics (indicators) that allow you to choose the only possible solution are:

A) problem situation B) restrictions

B) criteria

33. Can the developed solutions have a disparate form?

A) they can B) they can't

34. Is it necessary to submit a management decision in writing?

A) required B) not required

B) difficult decision

D) a solution designed for a long period of implementation

35. Is it necessary to perform certain actions related to the control of execution in order to implement a management decision?

A) necessary

B) no need

36. Which of the following should be done when preparing a decision?

A) formulation of goals and constraints B) description of the problem situation

C) determining the necessary resources

37. Which of the following should be done when developing alternatives?

A) analysis of the problem situation B) analysis of information

C) the formulation of goals and restrictions

38. Which of the following should be considered when choosing a solution?

A) development of criteria and grading system

B) quantitative and qualitative assessment of alternatives C) development of methods and decision models

39. Determination of admissible solutions is carried out in the course of execution:

1. preparation solution

2. developing alternatives

3. Choice decision

40. What criteria are considered objective?

A) for which there is a specific, understandable rating scale B) the criterion corresponds to the system of values ​​and priorities of the decision maker C) the level of the criterion value is unambiguously determined

41. A formalized decision model is used in cases where a problem situation:

A) characterized by interrelated indicators and parameters B) characterized by unrelated indicators and parameters C) cannot be described using indicators and parameters

42. When forming a decision, the following is developed:

A) one solution B) two solutions

B) multiple solutions

43. When forming a solution, the solution options:

A) may not be comparable B) must be comparable

C) it is necessary to compare some options

44. When choosing a single solution, the following can be used:

A) relative estimates of alternatives B) scoring of alternatives

C) heuristic evaluations of alternatives

45. Why is a system of incentives being developed in the process of implementing a decision?

A) for the effective execution of decisions B) to determine the sources of resources C) to establish the rights of the performer

46. ​​Which of the following would be considered a decision adjustment?

A) making a new decision while maintaining the same goal

B) making changes to the decision made while maintaining the same goal C) making a new decision with a change in the old goal

47. Controllable factors that influence the decision-making process include:

A) factors that can be changed B) factors that cannot be changed
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