Psychosemantics answers to the Synergy test

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1. According to Piaget and a number of other scientists, animals can be taught a complex language:

*it is forbidden


2. J. Miller in the monograph "The Magic Number Seven Plus or Minus Two" (1964) included in the process of recoding information when memorizing an operation:




*all answers are correct

3. Specific national language:

*is inherited

*not inherited

4. A cognitive operation that allows you to define an object through its assignment to a more general category is called




5. Animals cannot be taught a complex language because they lack:

*long-term memory

*general intelligence

*short term memory

6. L.S. Vygotsky emphasized that:

*in the meanings of words, the unity of communication and generalization, communication and thinking is manifested.

*in the meanings of words, the unity of communication and generalization is manifested.

*in the meanings of words, the unity of communication and thinking is manifested.

7. The involuntary connection of the phonemes of a word with the sound sign of the object (phenomenon) that it denotes is called _____________________ or a special term:

* synonymy


8. Connotative meaning (affective) is:

* states that follow the perception of the stimulus word and precede meaningful operations with symbols.

* States that precede the perception of the stimulus word and follow meaningful operations with symbols.

9. Speech act:

* purposeful speech action performed in accordance with the principles and rules of speech behavior adopted in a given society.

* A speech act can be defined as a speech statement in a social context.

*both options are correct

10. The fact that meaning does not belong to the object, but to activity as a realized relation to the object, emphasizes

* A.N.Leontiev

*L.S. Vygotsky

*I.P. Pavlov

11. An important assumption for psychosemantics is the presence

*dependence between estimates of similarity and difference of objects received from respondents, on the state of the degree of similarity between these objects in the space of perception

* the ability to reflect in the subjects

*All answers are correct.

12. The way in which the child built a class of objects, J. Bruner called

*categorization syntax



13. Situationally conditioned statements of various lengths refer to:

* Units of speech

*Language units

14. Insert the missing word in the formulation of the most important psycho- and neurolinguistic universal: The speed and sequence of development of semantic relations expressed by means of language is ____________, regardless of the specifics of the language - that is, the formal ways of expressing these semantic relations accepted in this language:



15. Age is considered critical for the possibility of mastering the native language:

*from 5 to 10 years

*from 6 to 11 years

*from 9 to 14 years

16. The simplest unit of speech according to V.D. Arakinu is:





17. Mowgli children can learn to live among people if they were outside the social environment:

*up to 5 years

*up to 6 years

*up to 7 years

18. Founder of semiotics:

*C.S. Pierce

*N. Chomsky

*E. Roche

19. E. Titchener is the author of:

*nuclear-context theory of meaning

* figurative theory of thought and meaning

20. The concept of a universal subject code as a neurophysiological substrate was developed by:

*N.I. Zhinkin

*A.N. Leontiev

*S.L. Rubinshtein

21. Psychosemiotics is an area ...

* the process of transformation of speech relations

*psychological activity of the individual

*psychological knowledge, studying various aspects of the influence of signs and sign systems on the human psyche.

22. Determine the correct interpretation:

*Meaning exists for the subject in a dual form, has a dual ontology.

*On the one hand, the meaning is the object of his consciousness, on the other hand, the way and mechanism of awareness. *Values ​​are simultaneously elements of two different systems.

*Meanings are included in the system of social consciousness (social experience) and are social phenomena; but at the same time they are the entrance
Additional Information
26. Who is the author of the statement: “A thought is not expressed, but is accomplished in a word”?

*N. Chomsky


*L.S. Vygotsky

27. The first cases of the use of the term "psychosemantics" were also encountered:

*in the last quarter of the 19th century

*in the first quarter of the 20th century

*in the last quarter of the 18th century

*in the first half of the 20th century

28. The first cases of using the term "psychosemantics" were also encountered:

*in German psychological literature

*in English psychological literature

*in Russian psychological literature

*in American psychological literature

29. L.V. Shcherba understood speech activity as:

*listening and speaking processes

* processes of understanding and speaking

*reading and writing processes

30. L.S. Vygotsky emphasized:

*initially signs act as a means of social contact, and then as a means of auto-stimulation.

*Thanks to the signs, a new form of mastery of the object arises - mediated, associated with the elements of the future, i.e., with the preliminary organization of behavior.

*both options are correct

31. This term was first used in 1928. Askoldov-Alekseev as "a mental formation that replaces in the process of thought an indefinite set of objects, actions, mental functions of the same kind." Likhachev D.S. gave the following definition of this category of cognitive linguistics: a generalized mental unit that reflects and interprets the phenomena of reality depending on personal experience does not arise from the meanings of words, but is the result of a learned meaning from personal experience. What operational unit of memory and mental lexicon are we talking about?




32. The result (function) of mastering values ​​is:

*meaning formation


* prepositional case constructions.

33. The multidimensional scaling method is

*a system of methodological techniques and methods for collecting and processing psychological, socio-psychological and sociological information to obtain objective data on hidden or explicit patterns of behavior (functioning) of complex, multidimensional objects

*a system of methods of traditional psychometrics

*All answers are correct.

34. The implementation of social and communicative activities of people in the process of their verbal communication is:



* speech activity

35. A.A.Leontiev identifies the following forms of existence of values:

* Language, role-playing

*Language, subject, role-playing

* Subject, role-playing

36. Transformational grammar, in addition to the syntactic component (a way of describing the structure of the components of a sentence), includes:

*phonological component

*semantic component


*all answers are correct

37. In semiotics C.S. Pierce suggested:

*two types of signs

*three types of signs

*lots of characters

38. A certain reflection of reality, fixed by a linguistic sign, is:




39. The distinction between "deep" and "surface" linguistic structures is an important assumption for:

* generative grammar

*transformational grammar

*grammars of direct constituents

40. Speech units are organized:

*on a formal semantic basis

*on a semantic and communicative basis

41. Language units are organized:

*on a formal semantic basis

*on a semantic and communicative basis

42. A characteristic feature of the word:

* mobility (variability)

* impenetrability (i.e. the inability to insert another word into a word, and even more so a combination of words)

*constancy (does not change under any conditions)

43. Psychosemantics is a field of psychology that studies:

*processes of linguistics

*genesis, structure and functioning of an individual system of meanings, mediating mental (cognitive)

*processes processes of interaction of thinking and language

44. Denotative meaning (objective) is:

*The object, event or situation behind the sign (symbol).

*Item name

*Content of the essence of the purpose of the subject

45. In the structure of speech activity, there are:

*3 phase

*4 phase

*2 phase

*5 phases

46. ​​Who owns the quote
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