Basics of GR management

Replenishment date: 21.12.2023
Contents: Fundamentals of GR management.docx (49.5 KB)
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Government relations is
What are the types of GR management?
Classic GR strategies:
D. Truman, substantiated the basic theoretical principles
The main task of GR
Lobbying activities of chambers of commerce and industry are achieved
Organized interests in the economic sphere:
Features of the Anglo-Saxon model of regulation of lobbying activities
The communication approach is:
The principle of legality.
Foreign lobbying –
In the Anglo-Saxon model of regulation of lobbying activities of pressure groups
The factor that contributed to the development of lobbying was
Who owns the phrase The US government is nothing more than a servant of influence groups, devoid of its own will.
In Russia the law on lobbying
Pluralistic lobbying can perform the following important socio-political functions:
Pluralistic lobbying in a democratic society is one of the forms
If the political influence of individual groups increases disproportionately to their real social importance, and the policies pursued by the government under pressure from these groups do not correspond to the will of the majority then
Political initiative and real political influence are exercised
Legal pluralism -
According to the authors of the concept of corporatism, in many areas of politics there is a
Examples of such interaction between the concept of corporatism can be
Neo-corporate approach explored
Neo-corporate model
What are the following GR technologies:
Direct interaction with government authorities
Support for political activities - can be expressed in the form
The concept of “stakeholder approach”,
What constitutes lobbying activities?
Lobbying can be done
Expertise in lobbying
Stakeholder theory was developed
A number of related disciplines and concepts are associated with the field of private-public relations Government Relations (GR). These include
PA should be considered as
The dynamic cycle of work on interaction with government bodies (OGB) includes
Describe the main actions at the Analytics stage
Describe the main actions at the Implementation and control stage
Describe the main activities at the Monitoring stage
The main phases of GR management in the process of interaction between business and government:
Stakeholder mapping
GR strategy can cover
The GR strategy is designed to solve the following tasks:
Professional companies (or private professional consultants) are attracted by GR departments of corporations
The most effective means of manipulating human consciousness are
Crowdfunding involves the possibility of attracting
Fundraising is applied
Among the main objectives of educational fundraising are:
What are the responsibilities of a GR specialist?
The main task of GR
GR is preferable to lobbying because
The works of which scientists formed the conceptual basis of the group theory of politics.
According to the concept of D. Truman
The origins of comparative views in European society
Corporatism means
The term "corporation" originated
In the theory of corporatism
The corporate approach was explored.
Thanks to neo-corporatist policies it became possible
The relationship between Lobbying and Lobbying
Communications in lobbying is
The task of lobbying
System monitoring allows
What is required to bring lobbying out of the shadows and give it the prestigious status of organizational and expert-consulting entrepreneurship?
The main formative force of pressure groups is
The existence of a two-party system is characterized by:
In fact, lobbying activities in Russia
The concept of “unified system of public authority”
Honesty principle:
Stages of GR activities
Today there are laws regulating lobbying activities
Are GR and lobbying the same thing?
The structure of pressure groups differs as follows:
The American Institute of Lobbying was born
Most often, the forums held have the status
By group A. Bentley understood
The type of pressure groups differs as follows:
Traditionally, lobbying in America is associated with
Pluralistic lobbying in conditions of de
Additional Information
Pluralistic lobbying in a democratic society is one of the forms
If the political influence of individual groups increases disproportionately to their real social importance, and the policies pursued by the government under pressure from these groups do not correspond to the will of the majority then
Political initiative and real political influence are exercised
Legal pluralism -
According to the authors of the concept of corporatism, in many areas of politics there is a
Examples of such interaction between the concept of corporatism can be
Neo-corporate approach explored
Neo-corporate model
What are the following GR technologies:
Direct interaction with government authorities
Support for political activities - can be expressed in the form
The concept of “stakeholder approach”,
What constitutes lobbying activities?
Lobbying can be done
Expertise in lobbying
Stakeholder theory was developed
A number of related disciplines and concepts are associated with the field of private-public relations Government Relations (GR). These include
PA should be considered as
The dynamic cycle of work on interaction with government bodies (OGB) includes
Describe the main actions at the Analytics stage
Describe the main actions at the Implementation and control stage
Describe the main activities at the Monitoring stage
The main phases of GR management in the process of interaction between business and government:
Stakeholder mapping
GR strategy can cover
The GR strategy is designed to solve the following tasks:
Professional companies (or private professional consultants) are attracted by GR departments of corporations
The most effective means of manipulating human consciousness are
Crowdfunding involves the possibility of attracting
Fundraising is applied
Among the main objectives of educational fundraising are:
What are the responsibilities of a GR specialist?
The main task of GR
GR is preferable to lobbying because
The works of which scientists formed the conceptual basis of the group theory of politics.
According to the concept of D. Truman
The origins of comparative views in European society
Corporatism means
The term "corporation" originated
In the theory of corporatism
The corporate approach was explored.
Thanks to neo-corporatist policies it became possible
The relationship between Lobbying and Lobbying
Communications in lobbying is
The task of lobbying
System monitoring allows
What is required to bring lobbying out of the shadows and give it the prestigious status of organizational and expert-consulting entrepreneurship?
The main formative force of pressure groups is
The existence of a two-party system is characterized by:
In fact, lobbying activities in Russia
The concept of “unified system of public authority”
Honesty principle:
Stages of GR activities
Today there are laws regulating lobbying activities
Are GR and lobbying the same thing?
The structure of pressure groups differs as follows:
The American Institute of Lobbying was born
Most often, the forums held have the status
By group A. Bentley understood
The type of pressure groups differs as follows:
Traditionally, lobbying in America is associated with
Pluralistic lobbying in a democratic society is one of the forms
Political pluralism presupposes
If the political influence of individual groups increases disproportionately to their real social importance, and the policies pursued by the government under pressure from these groups do not correspond to the will of the majority then
Of the many factors that determine the pluralism of legal understanding, it is worth highlighting
The implementation of the principles of political pluralism in modern Russia allows
The origins of comparative views in European society
According to the authors of the concept of corporatism, in many areas of politics there is a
Direct interaction with government authorities
What is meant by the term “soft money”, Subsidies
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