Teamwork and Leadership Synergy 1st semester

Replenishment date: 11.10.2023
Contents: Answers. Teamwork and leadership.pdf (304.68 KB)
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The main characteristic of the new model for building a modern network society is...

The main characteristic of the modern leadership institution is that leadership today is...

A person endowed with a certain status, position, authority, whose task includes organizing the work of the team, achieving production goals, control and responsibility is ... a leader

... it is important to fulfill obligations to the team, develop the necessary qualities in subordinates, and be able to lead

Match the types of corporate leadership and their descriptions:

Establish a correspondence between the type of modern leadership and the areas of their effective application:

One of the basic mechanisms of differentiation of social activity involves the achievement of a special position by a certain person or a certain part of the group in relation to the rest of the group members, which is denoted by the word “...”

The personality of the leader and his style of behavior influence certain social and individual processes - in particular, the process ... (indicate 3 answer options)

Among the types of leaders identified on the basis of research on self-esteem and the complexity of the self-concept are ... (indicate 3 answer options)

Establish a correspondence between the types of leadership that social psychologists identify and their descriptions:

The process of interaction between people, as a result of which there is a change in the views, beliefs and values ​​of individual participants in the communicative process, is a communicative ...

The description below corresponds to such a strategy of leader behavior as ... “Tasks: improving interaction between team members, improving the quality of team work, realizing personal and team potential. In this case, the following communication goals are realized: creating a system of informal information interactions between teams, improving the quality of team interaction, achieving a sense of unity and an atmosphere of agreement between employees and the leader.”

Establish a correspondence between the source of individual power and the description of its main characteristics:

Establish a correspondence between the results of the use of power in the form of the response of subordinates and the sources of power:

A small group of people striving to achieve a common goal, constantly interacting and coordinating their efforts is...

They highlight the basic principles of a real team, in particular... (specify 3 answer options)

... the team is part of a vertical management structure and includes a manager and his subordinates; such teams are characterized by formal subordination

Establish the correct sequence of the last four stages of the team building process:

Such personal traits of a person as responsibility, education, efficiency in business, intelligence, courage, honesty, independence, etc., belong to the group of values ​​-...

Establish the correct sequence of stages in the evolution of a person’s type of thinking and his values ​​according to the theory of spiral dynamics:

It is not true that the choice of behavior strategy in a conflict will depend on factors such as... (indicate 2 answer options)

Avoiding the struggle, trying to present the situation as if there is no conflict at all is a strategy...

Exchanging concessions to reach an acceptable agreement is a strategy...

Psychological discomfort associated with the inability to achieve a person’s goal is called...

Establish a correspondence between questions and characteristics that allow you to form a person’s self-concept:

The self-concept is a stable system...

... skills are universal socio-psychological qualities that do not depend on the profession, but directly affect a person’s success

Establish a correspondence between “soft” qualities and indicators that describe these qualities, according to the concept

In a survey conducted by St. Petersburg State University employees, representatives of Russian top management identified the main problem as...

Modern Russian large companies are focused on
Additional Information
VC. worked as a project manager for 5 years. At first, working in the company, he managed to form several effective teams and become an unconditional leader, “training” several project managers to replace him. Now his team is finishing work on the next project. During the entire period of work of V.K. has established himself as an effective leader, attentive, on the one hand, controlling and delving into every work process, and on the other hand, giving team members the opportunity to realize their ideas and ambitions. The company's management decided to begin reorganizing and modernizing the company to meet the new requirements of the time. Several new staff positions were introduced - now these specialists must be in every project team. VC. He reacted extremely negatively to the ideas of renovation, believing that “the best is the enemy of the good” and the company’s well-functioning mechanism, which brings good profits, should not be changed. He called the emergence of new specialists who were not directly related to the company’s field of activity “pampering.” The question of continuing the work of V.K. the company became very acute. Using information about the typology of leaders based on knowledge about the characteristics of temperament, determine what type the head of the supplier relations department K.V. belongs to.

The company's management did not take personal part in the team building process. Their role was limited to making decisions on the implementation of a new management approach and payment for corporate events. This was the reason for the failure to implement the idea and methods of team building. N.M. was appointed head of the financial department of a large manufacturing company in the city of Sh. He is 35 years old, studied at the London Business Institute, and has 7 years of experience in a Moscow consulting company. The company's management highly values ​​the new specialist and has set him the task of developing a strategic plan for the development of the department. At the first meeting, the new boss made a speech in which he outlined the department’s work priorities in view of the need to increase the company’s competitiveness in a dynamically developing market, increase the level of individual responsibility of each employee, and readiness to consider and encourage any initiatives of colleagues. N.M. I ended my report with an invitation to joint creatively organized activities. The employees of the department were faced with a difficulty: the reluctance of the new boss to take part in solving the current affairs of the company. Addressing these issues caused him bewilderment, followed by a recommendation to figure out the situation on his own, relying on his experience in solving such problems. Before contacting the new head of the department, employees should have prepared and proposed options for solving the problem, or, even better, made a decision on their own. Employees of the financial department are not accustomed to this way of asking the question. The previous boss controlled every moment, was aware of all matters, knew and insisted on compliance with existing rules. In this situation, the role of the informal leader of the department, P.A., increased, who, copying the behavior of the previous boss, became the de facto head of the department. The situation of “dual power” was perceived negatively by both his actual boss and the company’s management. As a result, at the insistence of N.M., informal leader P.A. was fired. After this, work in the department fell apart, and open confrontation began between employees and superiors. Using knowledge of spiral dynamics, establish at what levels of value development the new boss and ordinary department employees are.

The organization's project team shows high performance results. To form the team, a significant amount of time and money was spent with invited experts in the field of team building. From time to time, conflicts break out between these two employees regarding the distribution of tasks in the team and different visions for solving them. These issues are resolved through discussion with all team members. This usually costs
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