Information technology in legal practice

Replenishment date: 11.10.2023
Contents: ?? Answers. Information technologies in jurisprudence.pdf (1.95 MB)
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Any information about an event, entity or process, regardless of the form of presentation, is...
Establish the chronological sequence of stages in the development of society:
Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the information society and their essence:
Information that can be obtained as a result of measurements, experiments, logical operations and which must be presented in a form suitable for storage, transmission and processing is ...
Depending on the source of receipt, information is divided into...
... make it possible to choose the optimal path to achieve a goal in conditions of uncertainty based on information and data
Establish a correspondence between the types of information technologies (IT) and their examples:
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the assignment of R.A. Kadyrov’s rank of Colonel General is… legal information
The information contained in the interview of the Minister of Education to the Kommersant newspaper is ... legal information
Establish the order in which the stages of the information process are performed:
The property of information that characterizes the quality of information and determines the sufficiency of data for decision making is...
The knowledge contained in the instructions is... knowledge
Establish a correspondence between types of information technologies (IT) and their examples:
Citizen R. heard an advertisement on TV for a new device for lower back pain. After that, she decided to spend the money she had saved for her vacation on purchasing it. Evaluate the reasonableness of her action based on her assessment of the properties of the information received.
An environment whose constituent elements are computers, computer networks, software products, databases and other modern information technologies and equipment is computer ...
Establish a correspondence between the subsystems of a computer information system (IS) and its functions:
Establish a correspondence between the properties of a computer information system and their characteristics:
In a distributed information system, users ... (specify 2 answer options)
Arrange information systems in order of increasing degree of automation:
The state of protection of the individual, society and state from internal and external threats is ... security
The state of security of the information environment, which ensures its formation, use and development, is ... security
The potential for unlawful or accidental influence on the object of protection, which leads to loss, distortion or disclosure of information, is information ...
Application software that is used to query, process, manipulate and display the content of websites is...
A program that is capable of creating its own duplicates and introducing them into computer networks and files, system areas of the computer and other executable objects is a computer ...
A type of computer fraud in which a user lands on a fake page of an official website, where he is asked to provide his logins and passwords related to authorization on a real official website is ...
Information recorded on a tangible medium in the form of text, sound recording or image with details that allow it to be identified is...
A mandatory condition for including information in an information resource is ... information
It is not true that ... is an information resource
Look at the picture below and match the names of the document details and their meanings:

Arrange the types of electronic signatures in ascending order of their security level:
Establish a correspondence between the elements of the electronic signature and their characteristics:
Establish the sequence of the impact of a legal norm on the social system using the example of reducing the risk of road accidents:
The science of the general laws of management processes is...
Reasoning “If I honestly tell the teacher that there was a fire in the house and that’s why I was late, he will decide that I’m lying to him and will get angry; It’s better if I say that I overslept, he will think that I’m telling the truth and won’t be very indignant” is...reasoning
Additional Information
Any information about an event, entity or process, regardless of the form of presentation, is...
Establish the chronological sequence of stages in the development of society:
Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the information society and their essence:
Information that can be obtained as a result of measurements, experiments, logical operations and which must be presented in a form suitable for storage, transmission and processing is ...
Depending on the source of receipt, information is divided into...
... make it possible to choose the optimal path to achieve a goal in conditions of uncertainty based on information and data
Establish a correspondence between the types of information technologies (IT) and their examples:
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the assignment of R.A. Kadyrov’s rank of Colonel General is… legal information
The information contained in the interview of the Minister of Education to the Kommersant newspaper is ... legal information
Establish the order in which the stages of the information process are performed:
The property of information that characterizes the quality of information and determines the sufficiency of data for decision making is...
The knowledge contained in the instructions is... knowledge
Establish a correspondence between types of information technologies (IT) and their examples:
Citizen R. heard an advertisement on TV for a new device for lower back pain. After that, she decided to spend the money she had saved for her vacation on purchasing it. Evaluate the reasonableness of her action based on her assessment of the properties of the information received.
An environment whose constituent elements are computers, computer networks, software products, databases and other modern information technologies and equipment is computer ...
Establish a correspondence between the subsystems of a computer information system (IS) and its functions:
Establish a correspondence between the properties of a computer information system and their characteristics:
In a distributed information system, users ... (specify 2 answer options)
Arrange information systems in order of increasing degree of automation:
The state of protection of the individual, society and state from internal and external threats is ... security
The state of security of the information environment, which ensures its formation, use and development, is ... security
The potential for unlawful or accidental influence on the object of protection, which leads to loss, distortion or disclosure of information, is information ...
Application software that is used to query, process, manipulate and display the content of websites is...
A program that is capable of creating its own duplicates and introducing them into computer networks and files, system areas of the computer and other executable objects is a computer ...
A type of computer fraud in which a user lands on a fake page of an official website, where he is asked to provide his logins and passwords related to authorization on a real official website is ...
Information recorded on a tangible medium in the form of text, sound recording or image with details that allow it to be identified is...
A mandatory condition for including information in an information resource is ... information
It is not true that ... is an information resource
Look at the picture below and match the names of the document details and their meanings:

Arrange the types of electronic signatures in ascending order of their security level:
Establish a correspondence between the elements of the electronic signature and their characteristics:
Establish the sequence of the impact of a legal norm on the social system using the example of reducing the risk of road accidents:
The science of the general laws of management processes is...
Reasoning “If I honestly tell the teacher that there was a fire in the house and that’s why I was late, he will decide that I’m lying to him and will get angry; It’s better if I say that I overslept, he will think that I’m telling the truth and won’t be very indignant” is...reasoning
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