State Management Organization

Replenishment date: 16.01.2014
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1. Basic principles of making managerial decisions, their essence, advantages and disadvantages.
2. Concepts: "product quality", "certificate", their role and significance.
3. Business plan of the enterprise, its purpose and structure.
4. Taking into account risk factors and uncertainty when making decisions (Altman's model).
5. Classification of management documents.
6. The system of quality standards, its levels and significance. The essence and role of ISO 9000.
7. The system of analytical indicators of the financial activity of the enterprise, their classification.
8. The concept of "competitiveness of the organization", ways to improve it.
9. Organization, its goals. General characteristics of the organization.
10. Modern innovative structures, their role and significance.
11. The meaning of the concept of "mission" in the activities of the organization, methods of its definition.
12. The main methods of personnel management, their essence and content.
13. The main elements of the external environment of the organization, the parameters of their assessment.
14. Staffing of the organization, its role, significance and functions.
15. The main elements of the internal environment of the organization. The concept of "structure", "position", their role and meaning.
16. Control as a function of management, its content. Types of control.
17. Correlation of indicators "price", "quality", "sales volume".
18. Technology for making management decisions.
19. The concept of "unemployment", its types, economic significance.
20. Conflicts in the organizational system: their role, causes and essence of conflict management.
21. Planning as a management function, its main content. Types of planning.
22. The banking system of the Russian Federation, its construction and economic significance.
23. The main types of powers in the organizational system. Delegation process.
24. Management: its essence and organization mechanism.
25. Types of staff motivation. Classic theories of motivation.
26. Supply and demand. The specifics of their relationship in Russia. The concept of "market capacity", its indicators and dynamics.
27. The ratio of product quality and its competitiveness.
28. The essence of setting the price of goods. Elasticity of demand.
29. The composition of management functions, their essence.
30. Transport logistics. Selecting the type of vehicle. Swir's algorithm.
31. The mechanism of the enterprise bankruptcy procedure.
32. The process of marketing research: the main methods of analyzing the external environment.
33. The main structural forms of innovative organizations.
34. Basic methods of management.
35. The procedure for the selection of personnel in the organization.
36. Stocks in logistics, their types. Description of the inventory control system.
37. Advertising: its goals and objectives.
38. The purpose of financial analysis, the composition of the main methods.
39. Laws of organization, their importance in management practice.
40. The main indicators of the financial activity of the organization, their role and importance.
41. Forms of financial statements of the enterprise.
42. Types of state regulation of crisis situations.
43. The life cycle of the product, the essence and content of the stages.
44. Indicators of profitability, their essence, role and significance.
45. The concept of regulation and control in management. Internal control: its forms and means of implementation.
46. ​​Neoclassical model of organization.
47. Means, methods, management mechanisms and their role in the effectiveness of the organization's management.
48. Analysis and synthesis as a process, their interaction and impact on the structure of the organization. The law of the unity of analysis and synthesis.
49. General characteristics of traditional types of organizational structures of management.
50. The composition of the elements of the social system. Their characteristics and relationship.
51. Influence of new information technologies on management efficiency.
52. Professional model of organization.
53. The personality of a modern manager and his role in the effectiveness of management.
54. Information processes in the organization and the formation of dependencies of organizations.
55. Determination of the mission of the organization and its meaning
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57. Formation and development of management as a science. Evolution of management as a scientific discipline.
58. Regularities of the organization: hierarchy, integrativity, integrity.
59. Purpose, system, process and mechanisms of management: their relationship and implementation.
60. Elements of the socio-economic system. Their characteristics and relationship.
61. Management as theory, practice and art of management.
62. The concept of organizational culture and its characteristics. Characteristics of the manifestation of organizational culture in society.
63. "Life cycle" of the organization and its practical significance.
64. The concept of social organization. Signs and characteristics of the socio-economic system.
65. Principles of management and their general characteristics. The principles of consistency, induction and deduction, consistency, historicism in management.
66. Organization as a system. Components of the organization and their characteristics.
67. Leadership and management style: essence, content, relationships and role in the integrated result of management.
68. The basic laws of the organization. Their essence.
69. Management as a type of management, the relationship of types of management, their development and use in practice.
70. Social organism: roles, leaders and groups. Conflicts and Consent.
71. Professionalization as a tendency in management development, the role of professional qualities and intellectual potential of a manager in the development of an organization.
72. Bureaucratic model of the organization.
73. Marketing management. Marketing complex.
74. Basic laws of the organization. The law of awareness-organization.
75. The main approaches to improve the management of socio-economic systems.
76. The concepts of law, regularity. The regularity of the required variety.
77. Formal and informal organizations, their role in adaptation to market conditions of management and effective functioning of management.
78. Types of system representations of the organization.
79. Management process: content, types, properties, factors of effectiveness and the role of processes in the effectiveness of the organization.
80. Features of the development of social organizations.
81. Evolution of leadership strategy in modern conditions: the main styles of organization of behavior.
82. Models used in the process of organizational design. Their content and order of development.
83. Concept and classification of management functions. Description of the composition of functions, rights and responsibilities at different levels of management.
84. Organized and unorganized management systems.
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