Business communications in professional activities

Replenishment date: 13.04.2023
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1. … business communication is what people do, not the problems that affect their inner world





2. ... consists in the use of short, understandable texts for the audience


* Content of speech

* Normativity of speech

*Compliance with ethical standards

3. Due to the presence of ... it is possible to correct your speech

* literature

*means of communication

*reverse reaction

*oral speech

4. In business communication, the subject of interaction between the parties is ...

5. The structure of business communication includes its ...

*subject, goals and channels

*subject, object and purpose

*subject, object, object and purpose

*goals, content and types

6. The structure of the conflict includes such components as ...

*subject, goals and channels

*subject, goal and objectives

*subject, object, object and purpose

*goals, content and types

7. The type of content communication that exchanges motives, goals, interests, motives and needs is ... a type

8. The main component of oratory is ...

* facial expressions

*public speech



9. The most acute way to resolve conflicts in interests, goals, views that arise in the process of social interaction is ...

10. Features ... are to establish a lively dialogue between the participants in communication

* literature

*means of communication

*reverse reaction

*oral public speech

11. According to the degree of formalization, communications are divided into ...

*formal and informal

* verbal and non-verbal

*interpersonal, group and mass

12. The process of interaction, in which there is an exchange of activities, information and experience, is ...

13. The manager instructed the employee to urgently submit the report. However, the employee sees inaccuracies in it, which he does not have time to correct. He informs the manager about this, he insists on surrendering in any form. The employee is dissatisfied with this decision, but agrees and submits a report with errors. Determine the strategy of conflict behavior.

*Employee applied the Rivalry strategy

*The employee applied the "accommodation (compliance)" strategy

*Employee applied the “compromise” strategy

*Employee applied the "collaboration" strategy

*Employee applied the strategy "avoidance (avoidance)"

14. The set of stable links between the components of the conflict, ensuring its integrity, is ... conflict

15. Comply with three rules - informative, expressive and understandable - ... speaker

*must facial expressions

*must posture

*must text

*must gestures

16. The strategy of behavior in conflict is considered as ...

*active use of psychological threats

* choice of behavior in a given situation of a dispute

* a reflection of the desire of the warring parties to jointly solve the problem

* installation on certain forms of behavior in a situation, orientation of the individual in relation to the dispute

17. A strategy that is characterized by a high level of focus on both one's own interests and the interests of an opponent is ...

18. Set the correct procedure for applying the technology of public speaking:

1 definition of the purpose of speech

2 creating an image for performance

3 definition of the role for the speech

4 check speech according to the rules for writing a public text

5 preparation of the venue

6 speech analysis
Additional Information
19. Establish a correspondence between the types of public speech and their characteristics:

A. Social public speaking

B. Church Oratory

C. Judicial eloquence

D. Academic art

E. helps to express family or social relationships

F. does not contain logic, arguments and professional terminology

G. consists only of facts, divided into accusatory and defensive

H. carries specific information and is filled with professional terminology

20. Establish a correspondence between business interaction strategies in conflict and their meaning:

A. Rivalry

B. Fixture

C. Compromise

D. Avoidance

E. the orientation of the assessment of personal interests in the conflict is high, and the interests of one's rival are low

F. Self-interest is low and rival's interests are high

G. the direction of behavior is characterized by a balance of interests of the conflicting parties at an average level

H. Behavioral orientation - do not take responsibility for making a decision, do not see disagreements and deny conflict

21. Oral literary monologue speech of public purpose, addressed to a specific audience, is ... speech

22. ... negotiation is a general plan for achieving the goals set in the negotiations and a sequence of actions that will lead to the achievement of these goals

23. ... negotiations are held at the level of diplomatic representatives, the negotiators act on the basis of clear instructions and are not entitled to make independent decisions

24. In the conflict model of negotiations, the development factor is ...

*stages of the negotiation process

*Method and technique of preparation

*levels of planning and negotiation


25. In the phase model of negotiations, the development factor is ...

*stages of the negotiation process

*Method and technique of preparation

*levels of planning and negotiation


26. You describe in detail (with calculations and calculations) the benefits that will be received by your negotiating partner if the proposed agreement is concluded. What negotiation technique do you use?

* precedent technique

*benefit demonstration technique

*switching technique

* Presentation technique

27. Clarifying the point of view on a particular problem of the other side, informing about their interests and problems is ... a function of negotiations

28. The method of ... negotiation is a method developed by the Harvard Negotiation Project that takes into account the true interests of both parties, and does not boil down to a pointless discussion of what each of the participants is ready to do and what they will not do for anything.

29. At ... negotiations, the most fundamental issues of international and interstate relations are considered

30. It is not true that, depending on the problems discussed, the main negotiations on ... issues are distinguished


* humanitarian



31. Communication between business partners who are trying to jointly solve a problem, considering the interests of both parties, is ...





32. Errors that relate exclusively to the negotiation process and, as a rule, do not appear in ordinary interaction between people, are called ...





33. Negotiations, depending on the chosen position, are classified into ...

*positional and operational

*rational and operational

*positional and rational

*operating and consolidation

34. According to the classification of negotiations depending on the number of participants, the Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), is an example of ... negotiations





35. When using the tactical technique "..." information about one's own interests, assessments, etc. given in very small portions to get the partner to be the first to "show their cards"

36. Tactics that are used in the process of positional bargaining when negotiating: ...

* overstatement of requirements, arrangement of lies
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