Introduction to the profession of social psychologist

Replenishment date: 15.07.2023
Content: Introduction to the profession of social psychologist.docx (36 KB)
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Arrange in the order of following the stages of the evolutionary development of the psyche:
The process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes in the human body is ...
The recognition of psychology as an independent science was associated with ...
... in psychology, it is a process and method of psychological diagnostics that uses standardized questions and tasks that have a certain scale of values
Speaking about the sciences with which modern practical psychology is associated, it can be noted that psychology presumably has ...
Psychological counseling mainly performs the function ...
... is the surname of an American psychologist who is the founder of the humanistic trend in psychology.
... is the surname of a German psychiatrist, psychotherapist, who is the founder of Gestalt therapy.
… distinguishes a large amount of work that is done by the patient as homework, outside of therapy sessions, and then checked together with the therapist
One of the representatives of logotherapy is ...
A woman (29 years old) turned to a medical psychologist with complaints of insomnia in a woman and a request for help. What methods of solving the problem can a psychologist offer and does he have the right to prescribe sedatives?
Mastering various ways of acting with psychological reality, constructing psychological reality, generating an image of this reality and one’s own ideas about it in the process of studying psychology is ...
The process of formation of theoretical reflection, analysis and planning is the basis of ... development.
The process of using a new type of scientificity (humanitarian cognitive paradigm, in the interests of strengthening the semantic sphere of the student's consciousness) is ... education
Speaking about the criterion of validity, it can be argued that validity ...
A computer training system, in which the learning process is based on the interactive mode of interaction between a person and a computer in a language close to natural, is called ...
The appropriation of psychological knowledge by a teenager is a factor in the development of his ...
The form of methodological work at the university, aimed at discussing and solving specific issues of the educational process (methods for conducting practice, comprehensive training sessions, ensuring the relationship of related academic disciplines) is ...
A psychotherapy and counseling session is…
Determine the correct sequence of cycles of the curriculum for the training of future psychologists:
Psychology student does not attend university, his learning ability is low. Will the university call the parents of this student and summon them to the dean?
Communication is…
... is a conscious external agreement with the group with an internal divergence from its position
Indirect communication is characterized by...
Non-verbal communication is...
The main purpose of communication is...
Manipulative communication style...
In the Karpman-Bern triangle, the psychologist ...
Glen Gabbard (1994) identifies certain types of psychotherapists who violate professional ethics, in particular ...
The school psychologist called the student's mother with the question “What is happening in your family? Why did the daughter draw a huge fence near the house? It turns out that it was a difficult period for both mother and daughter - the father left the family. Mom was not ready to talk about this topic and discuss the family situation with the school psychologist. What mistakes did the school psychologist make? Suggest your version of a more correct behavior of a psychologist.
Additional Information
Arrange in the order of following the stages of the evolutionary development of the psyche:
The process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes in the human body is ...
The recognition of psychology as an independent science was associated with ...
... in psychology, it is a process and method of psychological diagnostics that uses standardized questions and tasks that have a certain scale of values
Speaking about the sciences with which modern practical psychology is associated, it can be noted that psychology presumably has ...
Psychological counseling mainly performs the function ...
... is the surname of an American psychologist who is the founder of the humanistic trend in psychology.
... is the surname of a German psychiatrist, psychotherapist, who is the founder of Gestalt therapy.
… distinguishes a large amount of work that is done by the patient as homework, outside of therapy sessions, and then checked together with the therapist
One of the representatives of logotherapy is ...
A woman (29 years old) turned to a medical psychologist with complaints of insomnia in a woman and a request for help. What methods of solving the problem can a psychologist offer and does he have the right to prescribe sedatives?
Mastering various ways of acting with psychological reality, constructing psychological reality, generating an image of this reality and one’s own ideas about it in the process of studying psychology is ...
The process of formation of theoretical reflection, analysis and planning is the basis of ... development.
The process of using a new type of scientificity (humanitarian cognitive paradigm, in the interests of strengthening the semantic sphere of the student's consciousness) is ... education
Speaking about the criterion of validity, it can be argued that validity ...
A computer training system, in which the learning process is based on the interactive mode of interaction between a person and a computer in a language close to natural, is called ...
The appropriation of psychological knowledge by a teenager is a factor in the development of his ...
The form of methodological work at the university, aimed at discussing and solving specific issues of the educational process (methods for conducting practice, comprehensive training sessions, ensuring the relationship of related academic disciplines) is ...
A psychotherapy and counseling session is…
Determine the correct sequence of cycles of the curriculum for the training of future psychologists:
Psychology student does not attend university, his learning ability is low. Will the university call the parents of this student and summon them to the dean?
Communication is…
... is a conscious external agreement with the group with an internal divergence from its position
Indirect communication is characterized by...
Non-verbal communication is...
The main purpose of communication is...
Manipulative communication style...
In the Karpman-Bern triangle, the psychologist ...
Glen Gabbard (1994) identifies certain types of psychotherapists who violate professional ethics, in particular ...
The school psychologist called the student's mother with the question “What is happening in your family? Why did the daughter draw a huge fence near the house? It turns out that it was a difficult period for both mother and daughter - the father left the family. Mom was not ready to talk about this topic and discuss the family situation with the school psychologist. What mistakes did the school psychologist make? Suggest your version of a more correct behavior of a psychologist.
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