Theory of information processes and systems

Replenishment date: 13.02.2024
Contents: Theory of information processes and systems.docx (65.37 KB)
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Solving a problem in mathematics can be called an information process... information
The information picture of the world is...
Basic control flow patterns include...
An analogue of a single semaphore, which serves in programming to synchronize simultaneously executing threads, is ...
A thread synchronization object that allows you to prevent multiple threads from executing a certain set of operations at the same time is called “...”
A series of transformations in certain blocks of information, in which in each period of time processing is carried out in several blocks, is, in particular, ... information processing (indicate 2 answer options)
The development of information technology is determined by...
The term "risk" means...
Among the methods for assessing management effectiveness that are used in a comprehensive study of the relationships between elements and indicators of the management system are ...
Models have such valuable properties as... (specify 3 answer options)
Methods for presenting intermediate and final results and information in system analysis include ... methods (specify 3 answer options)
Full-scale modeling methods in systems analysis include... (specify 2 answer options)
The main disadvantage of the functional approach is...
Positions and transitions of the Petri net...
The number of markers in a given position of the Petri net is called ... positions
Some of the basic concepts that are used when creating an IDEF0 functional diagram include...
The Data Flow Diagram model, denoted in English as ..., is developed for the design of information systems
The process of converting a message into a combination of characters according to a code is...
One of the main properties of information is...
Based on the experience of Japanese companies, it can be argued that the sustainability of a company is characterized by such basic goals as ... (specify 2 answer options)
Information flows of an enterprise are associated with... types of events
A thread synchronization object that allows you to prevent multiple threads from executing a certain set of operations at the same time is called “...”
Bringing two or more processes to such a course, when certain stages of different processes occur in a certain order or simultaneously, is called ...
A Petri net is essentially...
Mathematical tools for modeling dynamic discrete systems include...
Based on the form of presentation, information can be divided into the following types: ...
A series of transformations in certain blocks of information, in which in each period of time processing is carried out in several blocks, is, in particular, ... information processing (indicate 2 answer options)
The development of information technology is determined by...
The term "risk" means...
Methods for improving the management system can be generally divided into...
Traditional modeling methods in system analysis include methods ... (specify 3 answer options)
The reference model of business processes reflects...
Some of the basic concepts used when creating a data flow diagram include...
Operating systems are the main software systems, the main functions of which include...
Organizational support for information systems (IS) is a set of documents regulating the activities of IS personnel in the conditions of its functioning, including interaction...
Linguistic support of information systems (IS) is a set of tools, such as...
A system of technical means and a signal propagation environment for transmitting messages is...
One of the main properties of information is...
Based on the experience of Japanese companies, it can be argued that the sustainability of a company is characterized by such basic goals as ... (specify 2 answer options)
Information flows of an enterprise are associated with... types of events
A thread synchronization object that allows you to prevent multiple threads from executing a certain set of operations at the same time is called “...”
Bringing two or more processes to such a course that
Additional Information
A Petri net is essentially...
Mathematical tools for modeling dynamic discrete systems include...
Based on the form of presentation, information can be divided into the following types: ...
A series of transformations in certain blocks of information, in which in each period of time processing is carried out in several blocks, is, in particular, ... information processing (indicate 2 answer options)
The development of information technology is determined by...
The term "risk" means...
Methods for improving the management system can be generally divided into...
Traditional modeling methods in system analysis include methods ... (specify 3 answer options)
The reference model of business processes reflects...
Some of the basic concepts used when creating a data flow diagram include...
Operating systems are the main software systems, the main functions of which include...
Organizational support for information systems (IS) is a set of documents regulating the activities of IS personnel in the conditions of its functioning, including interaction...
Linguistic support of information systems (IS) is a set of tools, such as...
A system of technical means and a signal propagation environment for transmitting messages is...
The discrete signal generates...
Solving a problem in mathematics can be called an information process... information
The technology for supporting workflows in English is called...
An operation that... allows you to store the result of evaluating a relational expression in an existing relation is...
Basic control flow patterns include...
A thread synchronization object that allows you to prevent multiple threads from executing a certain set of operations at the same time is called “...”
Bringing two or more processes to such a course, when certain stages of different processes occur in a certain order or simultaneously, is called ...
A Petri net is...
Based on the form of presentation, information can be divided into the following types: ...
A system that implements an information model of a subject area is called... a system
The distinctive features of the corporate information system include... (specify 3 answer options)
Efficiency is classified into economic and social according to...
Methods for improving the management system can be generally divided into...
Models have such valuable properties as... (specify 3 answer options)
Secondary outputs of the business process...
Positions and transitions of the Petri net...
The data flow model is described by diagrams...
DFD diagrams describe... the process of transforming information
The criterion for the adequacy of a structural model of a subject area is...
The advantage of the functional modeling technique is...
Organizational support for information systems (IS) is a set of documents regulating the activities of IS personnel in the conditions of its functioning, including interaction...
One of the main properties of information is...
The discrete signal generates...
Translating text from English into Russian can be called a process... information
Based on the experience of Japanese companies, it can be argued that the sustainability of a company is characterized by such basic goals as ... (specify 2 answer options)
Measurement methods in systems analysis include methods ... (specify 3 answer options)
The strategic approach is...
Signs of complex systems include... (specify 3 answer options)
An operation that... allows you to store the result of evaluating a relational expression in an existing relation is...
Bringing two or more processes to such a course, when certain stages of different processes occur in a certain order or simultaneously, is called ...
A scalable system designed for comprehensive automation of all types of economic activities of small and medium-sized enterprises is called “... information system”
Among the purposes for which they can be used are
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