The theory of economic analysis RFEI 63 questions

Replenishment date: 16.10.2014
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1. The word "analysis" comes from ...
2. 2. To which of the following groups are the owners of the enterprise's funds, those who lend money to the enterprise (banks, etc.), suppliers, buyers, tax authorities, enterprise personnel and management?
3. To which of the following groups are audit firms, consultants, stock exchanges, lawyers, press, associations, trade unions?
4. What contribution do owners make to maintaining a healthy lifestyle of the enterprise?
5. How do lenders contribute to maintaining a healthy lifestyle for the enterprise?
6. What contribution to the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle of the enterprise make the heads (administration) of the enterprise?
7. What contribution to the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle of the enterprise do the staff (employees) of the enterprise make?
8. What contribution do suppliers of working tools and objects of work make to maintaining a healthy lifestyle of the enterprise?
9. How do buyers (clients) contribute to maintaining a healthy lifestyle of the enterprise?
10. What is the contribution of the state in the form of tax authorities to maintaining a healthy lifestyle of the enterprise?
11. What kind of compensation for the contribution do the owners require from the enterprise?
12. What kind of compensation for the deposit do the lenders require from the enterprise?
13. What kind of compensation for the contribution do the managers (administration) of the enterprise require from the enterprise?
14. What kind of compensation for the contribution is required from the enterprise by the staff (employees) of the enterprise?
15. What kind of compensation for the contribution does the company (state) require from the enterprise in the form of tax authorities?
16. What is the purpose of studying financial information from the owners of the enterprise?
17. What is the purpose of studying financial information from lenders?
18. What is the purpose of studying financial information from managers (administration) of the enterprise?
19. What is the purpose of studying financial information from the personnel (employees) of the enterprise?
20. What is the purpose of studying financial information from suppliers of tools and items of work?
21. What is the purpose of studying financial information from buyers (clients)?
22. What is the purpose of studying financial information from the society (state) in the form of tax authorities?
23. What is the main purpose of financial analysis?
24. Which of the following functions of economic analysis is formulated incorrectly?
25. What is the main financial indicator can be characterized by the following parameters: quality of products and equipment used for production, novelty of technological processes, energy supply, as the duration of the production cycle?
26. What is the main financial indicator of everything from which products are made, what is in front of a human worker of the shop?
27. The components of which main financial indicator are fixed assets and non-current assets?
28. What are the main financial indicators of production personnel, wages?
29. What is the main financial indicator formed from the cost in accordance with the quantity of products?
30. What is the main financial indicator formed from comparing the volume of production and the amount spent on this issued volume of capital and shows how efficiently the capital of the enterprise is spent?
31. What is the main financial indicator formed from profit and capital efficiency and says whether capital is used efficiently enough to bring profit to the company?
32. What is the difference between the value of products produced and the value of the resources consumed by the enterprise?
33. What is the square root of the variance called?
34. What indicator is calculated as follows: each deviation from the arithmetic mean is squared, then the whole series of values ​​is summed and the resulting sum of squares is divided by the number of terms?
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35. What is the name of the value, which represents costs that can be clearly and directly related to the production of a unit of production, which are directly included in its cost?
36. What is the name of the value that represents the costs that cannot be directly related to the production of a unit of production, such costs are included in the cost of a unit of production indirectly?
37. What costs change in direct proportion with a small change in the level of production?
38. What costs do not change with a small change in the level of production?
39. What term denotes such a relationship between two parameters, when with a small change in one of them, the other parameter changes more significantly?
40. What term denotes the difference between sales revenue and variable costs?
41. What term denotes average variable costs in the unit cost?
42. What indicator is defined as the ratio of gross margin to profit?
43. Which of the following formulas is used to calculate revenue for the same price of goods?
44. Which of the following formulas is used to calculate costs for the same price of goods?
45. Which of the following formulas is used to calculate profit for the same price of goods?
46. ​​Which of the following formulas is used to calculate the gross margin for the same product price?
47. What is the name of the amount of revenue at which the firm has no losses, but does not earn a profit?
48. What indicator is calculated as the difference between revenue and the threshold of profitability?
49. What is the tax rate under the simplified taxation system when choosing income as an object of taxation?
50. What is the tax rate under the simplified taxation system when choosing “income reduced by the amount of expenses incurred” as the object of taxation?
51. Which of the following taxes is not included in the single tax according to the simplified taxation scheme?
52.The income that the owner of capital could receive if he invested in other projects with the same level of risk is:
53. The part of profit, which is the difference between the accounting profit of the enterprise and normal profit, is:
54. The allocation of groups with predictable probabilities of adverse events or some events and the collection of contributions from all members of this group for the total cumulative amount, which will allow compensation to be paid to those who suffer this event, is:
55. What does a company pay for using equity or equity capital?
56. What does the company pay for the use of borrowed capital?
57. What is defined as the ratio of current assets to short-term liabilities?
58. Current assets DO NOT include:
59. Short-term liabilities do NOT include:
60. Who introduced the concept of "value chain"?
61 Major value creation activities DO NOT include:
62 Ancillary value creation activities do NOT include:
63. A specialist who checks the accounting and tax statements of firms -
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