Russian language

Replenishment date: 01.03.2024
Contents: Russian language.xlsx (31.79 KB)
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A language spoken by a historically established group of people living in a common territory, connected by a common economy, culture, and lifestyle, is ... a language

A language spoken by a historically established group of people living in a common territory, connected by a common economy, culture, and lifestyle, is ... a language

A language spoken by a historically established group of people living in a common territory, connected by a common economy, culture, and lifestyle, is ... a language

Strict consistency and logic in the presentation of thoughts are characteristic of ... style

Strict consistency and logic in the presentation of thoughts are characteristic of ... style

Strict consistency and logic in the presentation of thoughts are characteristic of ... style

Literary norms are enshrined in...

Literary norms are enshrined in...

Literary norms are enshrined in...

Literary norms are enshrined in...

A set of rules governing the use of words, pronunciation, spelling, formation of words and their grammatical forms, combination of words and construction of sentences is called ... norm

The style of printed publications from the media is ... style of speech

An abstract is a genre... style of speech

A story is a genre... style of speech

A genre of official business style of speech containing a set of information about a job applicant is...

Deviation from the literary norm is typical for... styles

Deviation from the literary norm is typical for... styles

Deviation from the literary norm is typical for... styles

Establish a correspondence between the style and the genre that is characteristic of this style:
Additional Information
Words that came into the Russian language from other languages ​​are called... words

The most ancient words that came into the Russian language from the Indo-European proto-language are...

The largest percentage of the vocabulary of the Russian language is... words

The largest percentage of the vocabulary of the Russian language is... words

The largest percentage of the vocabulary of the Russian language is... words

The vocabulary used in works of oral folk art, which has an epic-song character, is called ... vocabulary

Words that are used to accurately define any concept from the field of science, technology, art, etc. are ...

Words and expressions used by certain social groups of people due to their social status and the specifics of the environment are called ... vocabulary

... are of high style and have a solemn sound

... are of high style and have a solemn sound

... are of high style and have a solemn sound

New words in a language are...

Vocabulary of limited use includes...

Vocabulary of limited use includes...

Vocabulary of limited use includes...

Vocabulary of limited use includes...

Passive vocabulary includes...

Passive vocabulary includes...

Passive vocabulary includes...

Passive vocabulary includes...

The branch of language science that studies stable, lexically indivisible combinations of words is called...

The branch of language science that studies stable, lexically indivisible combinations of words is called...

The branch of language science that studies stable, lexically indivisible combinations of words is called...

Phraseological combinations are phrases in which each word...

Phraseological combinations are phrases in which each word...

Phraseological combinations are phrases in which each word...

Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it is... a mistake

Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it is... a mistake

Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it is... a mistake

Establish a correspondence between the term that names words according to their semantic relationships and the characteristics of these relationships:

Establish a correspondence between the term that names words according to their semantic relationships and the characteristics of these relationships:

Establish a correspondence between the term that names words according to their semantic relationships and the characteristics of these relationships:

Establish a correspondence between the term that names words according to their semantic relationships and the characteristics of these relationships:

Establish a correspondence between the term that names words according to their semantic relationships and the characteristics of these relationships:

Establish a correspondence between the term that names words according to their semantic relationships and the characteristics of these relationships:

Establish a correspondence between the term that names words according to their semantic relationships and the characteristics of these relationships:

Establish a correspondence between the term that names words according to their semantic relationships and the characteristics of these relationships:

Supersegmental phonetic units include...

Supersegmental phonetic units include...

Supersegmental phonetic units include...

Supersegmental phonetic units include...

The largest phonetic unit, a complete utterance in meaning, united by a special intonation and separated from other such units by a pause, is ...

The largest phonetic unit, a complete utterance in meaning, united by a special intonation and separated from other such units by a pause, is ...

The largest phonetic unit, a complete utterance in meaning, united by a special intonation and separated from other such units by a pause, is ...

The largest phonetic unit, a complete utterance in meaning, united by a special intonation and separated from other such units by a pause, is ...

Isolation by voice of any word of a phrase in which the emphasis is stronger than
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