Workshop on drafting legal documents

Replenishment date: 16.01.2024
Contents: Workshop on drafting legal documents.docx (712.04 KB)
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The process of concluding a contract includes stages such as...

The essential terms of the contract are...

The offer can be withdrawn within the period for its ..., unless otherwise specified in the offer itself

Based on access restrictions (degree of publicity)… documents are distinguished

Establish the correct procedure for working with the contract:

The terms of the contract formulated in the norms of the law, the inclusion or non-inclusion of which in the contract is not of fundamental importance, are ... conditions

... is the response of the person to whom the offer is addressed about its acceptance

... is a system of bodies entrusted with certifying transactions, registering inheritance rights and performing other actions aimed at securing civil rights

A document whose content reflects the will of the testator to dispose of his property is...

Establish the correspondence between the concepts and their characteristics:

The charter is...

The date of the job description is the date...

The document details are...

A normative act that has a consolidated codification nature and determines the order of education, structure, functions, competence, responsibilities and organization of work is ...

An organizational and legal document establishing the status of an employee, his functions, duties, responsibilities, rights and working conditions is...

A corporate agreement is a simple... agreement

Match the types of documents and their characteristics:

Establish the correct procedure for adopting the charter:

The general director of the organization went on a business trip, his duties are performed by his deputy. The deputy sent a letter to a third-party organization, and signed the letter on his own behalf. Describe his actions.

Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation are issued in the form...

A legal act of a public authority that has lower legal force than a law is ... a legal act

Municipal legal acts, which are the main instruments of local self-government, apply to residents...

There are such types of judicial enforcement acts as...

The object of the appeal is decisions that have not entered into legal force and ... of the courts of first instance

... part of the court decision must contain the court’s conclusions about the fate of the claim brought

In the arbitration process, decisions are made only in ... instances

Court decisions that have entered into legal force can be appealed to a cassation court within a period not exceeding ... months
Additional Information
The court decision comes into force upon expiration of the period for ... appeal

Establish the correct sequence of stages for creating an order:

The total period for consideration of a complaint is...

The text of the statement always contains the word “...” at the beginning of the text.

Business letters are distinguished based on the recipient...

A written demand addressed to an authorized government body to eliminate violated rights and legitimate interests is...

A document that enforces the obligations set out in it, in which the addressee is usually guaranteed payment or provision of something, is ...

For any complaint filed, the complainant must receive...

A business letter written as a response to a letter of request is...

Establish the correspondence between the concepts and their content:

Set the correct sequence of the details on the application (top to bottom, left to right):

The citizen filed a complaint with the district prosecutor against the actions of the local detective. At the same time, the complaint contained obscene language; the author of the complaint did not indicate his last name, first name, or patronymic. Describe the consequences of the situation.

The minutes of the meeting are signed...

The text of the minutes of the meeting must be prepared no later than ... after the end of the meeting

A complete list of types of memos: ...

The text of the protocol includes 2 parts: introductory and...

The date of the memo is the date ... of the memo

Any protocol is drawn up ... of the meeting

The date of the minutes is the date ... of the meeting

Establish the correspondence between the concepts and their definitions:

Establish the correct procedure for drawing up the act:

During the general meeting of the labor collective, a protocol was drawn up. This protocol reflected the following:

- list of issues that were brought up for discussion

- names of speakers;

- all decisions made on issues;

- detailed records of reports and speeches of meeting participants;

- questions asked by the participants of this meeting;

What type of protocol can this protocol be classified as?

The court decision is made on behalf of...

Civil procedural documents include such as... and

If the case is not within the jurisdiction of this court, then the statement of claim ...

Among the general requirements for procedural documents are... and

... a complaint is an application to the court that is filed against a court decision or order when it has already entered into legal force

A person in defense of whose rights and legitimate interests a civil case has been initiated is...

Court decisions that have entered into force are appealed through the cassation procedure

A court decision in a civil case consists of introductory, descriptive and... parts

Establish the correct procedure for appealing court decisions in civil proceedings:

When considering a civil case, the court made a decision and stated in the operative part the following: “Cease the activities of the media outlet, since the editorial office of the newspaper violated the legislation on the media.” Is such a court decision legal or is it subject to cancellation?

... investigative actions are an act that reflects the fact of commission, progress, content and results of investigative actions

The minutes of the court session must be prepared and signed within ... from the date of the end of the court session

The arrest report must be drawn up within...

Based on the results of the investigation, a...

The procedural decision is recorded in ... a

The sentence includes parts such as...a

In the minutes of the court session, the secretary did not reflect the defendant's speech in the debate. What consequences did this have on appeal?

A legal entity or individual entrepreneur, in respect of whom a control and supervisory inspection is being carried out, is obliged to send the documents specified in the request to the state control (supervision) body within ... working days from the date of receipt of the administrative request

An illegal, guilty action (inaction) of an individual or legal entity, for which an administrator is established by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses or the laws of a subject of the Russian Federation
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