Fundamentals of HR audit and personnel controlling test

Replenishment date: 08.12.2016
Content: fundamentals of personnel audit and personnel control.doc (81.5 КБ)
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Fundamentals of HR audit and personnel controlling
Task 1.
1. The need for controlling in modern enterprises can be explained by:
- increasing the instability of the external environment
- complication of the enterprise management system
—Information boom
- general cultural aspiration and synthesis of integration of various
fields of knowledge and human activity
- all of the above

2. Controlling functions include:
-Management Accounting
-the control
- development of recommendations for making managerial decisions
- all of the above

3. The task of controlling is by preparing and presenting the necessary information to orient the management towards making decisions and necessary actions:

4. Based on the type of measurement, controlling is subdivided into (select 2 options):

5. Controlling differs in time (select 2 options):
- long-term

Task 2.
1. The information supplied by the controlling system must meet the following requirements:
- completeness
- comprehensibility
- all of the above

2. When determining the system of controlling indicators, the following requirements must be met:
- the scope of indicators should be limited
- the indicators should contain data for the entire enterprise as a whole, as well as for all its divisions
- the indicators selected should be dynamic and forward-looking and comparable (ensuring that data can be compared across periods, across enterprises, etc.)
- indicators should be of an early warning nature
- all of the above

3. Analysis of the selected controllable indicators includes:
- Comparison of standard and actual values ​​in order to identify deviations
- identifying the causes and culprits of deviations
—Determination of the relationship between the deviations obtained and the final results of the enterprise
- analysis of the impact of the resulting deviations on the final results
- all of the above

4. Name the three levels of personnel controlling:
- cost control
- performance monitoring
- efficiency control
- control of efficiency

5. Goals of HR controlling:
- support for workforce planning
—Providing assurance of reliability and improvement of the quality of personnel information
- ensuring coordination within the functional subsystem of personnel management, as well as in relation to other functional subsystems of the organization
—Increasing flexibility in personnel management by timely identification of shortcomings and risks for personnel work, etc.
- all of the above

Task 3.

1. Tasks of HR controlling:
- creation of a personnel information system
—Analyzing the available information in terms of its relevance to human resources
- checking the effectiveness of individual personnel subsystems (functions)
- all of the above

2. The main directions of the analysis of the quality of personnel management of the organization are:
- Analysis of personnel policy
—Evaluation of the quality of the main documents regulating the work of personnel
—Evaluation of the most important formal rules and procedures that support the personnel management process
- Assessment of the main elements of organizational culture that influence employee behavior
—Evaluation of indicators characterizing the quality of personnel management
- all of the above

3. The list of indicators characterizing the quality of personnel management includes (select 4 correct answers):
- staff turnover rate
—Moral and psychological climate in the team
- employee satisfaction with work
- labor indicators
- the number of levels and links in the management structure of the organization

4. Factors affecting the efficiency of staff work are divided into the following categories:
- acting on the part of the employee
- acting on the part of the organization
- acting from subcontractors
- all of the above
Additional Information
5. Factors influencing work efficiency on the part of the employee include (select 4 correct answers):
- abilities, personal and business qualities
—Relationship with supervisor and work colleagues
- professional knowledge and skills
- provision of the necessary resources

Task 4
1. The factors influencing the effectiveness of the organization's work include (select 4 correct answers):
-working conditions
- leadership style
- knowledge and qualifications of the manager
- labor incentive system
- organizational culture
—Organizational structure of the organization
- condition of equipment and provision of necessary resources
—Professional knowledge and skills of performers
- all of the above

2. Quantitative indicators of personnel assessment include the following criteria (select 4 correct answers):
- labor productivity
-volume of sales
—Number of processed documents
—Number per ad
- the number of errors during the execution of work

3. Qualitative indicators in personnel assessment include the following criteria (select 4 correct answers):
- the number of errors in the execution of work
- marriage rate
—Number of complaints
- the cost of not accepted work
-volume of sales

4. What are the criteria for the loss of time:
—Number of absenteeism
—Number of late work
- the number and frequency of unauthorized breaks
- all of the above

5. What are the criteria for staff turnover:
- the number of dismissals initiated by the administration
—Number of voluntary layoffs
- work experience for different groups of dismissals
- all of the above

Task 5
1. Estimates of characteristics related to personnel training include (select 4 correct answers):
-studying time
-cost of education
- success of training
- the number of employees covered with different training
- work experience of trainees
2. Assessment of work behavior, characterized by criteria (choose 3 correct answers):
—Behavior in work situations
—Working behavior when interacting with managers
—Behavior with clients
—Behavior with friends, family members
3. What requirements should the personnel performance assessment system meet (select 3 correct answers):
- validity
- sufficient distinctiveness

4. Methods for assessing the work of personnel include:
- setting standards and regulations
—Evaluation based on written characteristics
- assessment scale
- ranking methods
- given distribution
—Assessment of work behavior
- management by objectives
- all of the above

5. The method of assessing the work of personnel "management by goals" is used to assess the work (select 2 correct answers):
- leaders
- workers

Task 6
1. Which of the following methods are considered laborious and costly (choose 2 correct answers):
- setting standards and regulations
- assessment scales
- management by objectives

2. What are the costs associated with training (select 2 correct answers):
- direct costs
- indirect costs
- total costs

3. Expenses for payment of teachers, support staff for teaching materials, rental of premises - these refer to:
- direct costs
- indirect costs

4. The costs associated with the need to leave employees from work during their participation in the training program are related to:
- direct costs
- indirect costs

5. The composition of the designed elements of the organizational management system of the organization includes:
- control functions
—Organizational structure
- technologies and methods of management
- personnel, information, technical support by the control system
- all of the above

Task 7
1. The stages of personnel management system design include:
—Feasibility study of the need to improve
personnel management systems
—Assignments for organizational design
—Organizational working draft
- all of the above

2. The process of development and implementation of the project management system of the org
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