COURSE Russian advertising market
Replenishment date: 23.10.2008
Content: 81023003405850.rar (58.9 KB)
️Automatic issue of goods ✔️
️Automatic issue of goods ✔️
3 introduction
1. The essence of advertising, its role as the main marketing communication 4
2. Advertising market. Its composition and features 9
3. Advertising agencies as the main link in the advertising process (on the example of a specific advertising agency) 12
4. Analysis of the current state and prospective development trends of the Russian advertising market 18
Conclusion 24
References 25
1. The essence of advertising, its role as the main marketing communication 4
2. Advertising market. Its composition and features 9
3. Advertising agencies as the main link in the advertising process (on the example of a specific advertising agency) 12
4. Analysis of the current state and prospective development trends of the Russian advertising market 18
Conclusion 24
References 25