Comprehensive economic analysis

Replenishment date: 18.02.2023
Content: Comprehensive Economic Analysis (MMA Answers) (2).docx (42.73 KB)
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1. Purpose of business analysis

1. Evaluation of the activities of business entities

2. Calculation of indicators for evaluating performance

3. Preparation of business plans

4.Preparation of information for making management decisions and substantiation of current and long-term plans

2. Type of analysis, taking into account the industry specifics of the enterprise


2. Industry

3. On-farm

4. Inter-farm

3. The function of analysis, which consists in establishing the compliance of the state of the enterprise's economy with its target parameters and potentialities



3. Estimated

4. Control

4. The AHD technique is understood as

1. Description of research methods and techniques

2. Tips on the sequence and frequency of analysis

3. A set of methods and rules for performing an analytical study

4. Development and use of a system of indicators for a comprehensive study of the object

5. Quantitative indicators are:

1. Labor intensity

2. Working out

3. Profitability

4. Sales volume

6. Qualitative indicators are:

1.Working time fund

2. Labor intensity

3. Profitability

7. The type of factor analysis in which the study is conducted by induction:





8. The division of the studied indicator into many constituent elements (factors) and the identification of a connection and subordination between them is a process:

1. Classification of factors

2. Structuring factors

3.Detail factors

9. The method of lengthening factorial models provides

1. Dividing the numerator and denominator of a multiple model by the same indicator

2. Splitting the numerator of the multiple model into several homogeneous indicators

3. Splitting the denominator of a multiple model into several homogeneous indicators

4. Multiplying the numerator and denominator by one or more new indicators

10. The method of expanding multiple models allows you to get a deterministic model


2. Multiple with a new set of factors


11. What methods can be used to calculate the influence of factors in multiple models

1. Method of chain substitution, absolute differences, relative differences

2. Methods of absolute differences, integral, logarithmic

3. Integral method, chain substitution method

4.Logarithmic method, proportional division method

12. Determine how output will change due to an increase in the return on assets of fixed assets.

Indicator Last year Reporting year

Gross output at current prices, million rubles 15000 21000

Average annual residual value of fixed assets, million rubles 5000 6000

Capital productivity of fixed assets, rub. 3,0 3,5

1.+ 2500 million rubles

2.+ 3000 million rubles

3.+500 million rubles

13. Determine how the capital productivity of fixed assets will change by reducing the share of their active part in the total amount of fixed assets using the following model: FOOS = UD Act * FOAkt

Indicator Last year Reporting year

Capital productivity of fixed assets, rub. 3,0 3,5

Specific weight of the active part of fixed assets 0,75 0,7

Return on assets of the active part of fixed assets, r. 4,0 5,0

1. -0,25 rub

2.–0,2 rub

3.–0,15 rub.

4.–0,175 rub.

14. Determine how much the return on fixed assets will change due to changes in output

Indicator Last year Reporting year

Production output at current prices, million rubles 15000 21000

Average annual cost of fixed assets, million rubles 5000 6000

Capital productivity of fixed assets, rub. 3,0 3,5

1.+0,7 rub

2.+1,2 rub.

3.+0,5 rub.

15. Determine the impact of the number of workers on the volume of output

Indicator Plan Fact

The average number of production workers, pers.



Days worked by one worker per year 220 200

Average daily output of a worker, million rubles 0,5 0,6

1.+2400 million rubles

2.– 2640 million rubles.

3.+2200 million rubles
Additional Information
16. Determine how much the volume of production will change due to a change in the number of hours worked by one worker per year

Indicator Last year Reporting year

Output volume, thousand rubles 3 062

Number of production personnel, pers. 500 520

Hours worked per employee per year 1750 1600

Manufacture of products for 1 man-hour, 3,5 4,0

1.-273 000 thousand rubles

2.-262 500 thousand rubles

3.-300 000 thousand rubles

4.-459 thousand rubles

17. Calculate the impact of the number of employees on the change in the wage fund:

Indicator Indicator level

t0 t1

Number of employees, pers. 100 110

Average salary of one employee, thousand rubles



Payroll fund, thousand rubles 3000 3960

1.+300 thousand rubles.

2.+360 thousand rubles.

3.+960 thousand rubles.

18. Based on the data below, calculate:

- average annual growth rate of production:

Year xxx1 xxx2 xxx3 xxx4 xxx5 xxx6

Production volume, tons 2500 2630 2550 2760 2900 3000




19. Dependence of the average annual output of workers (Y) on the level of capital-labor ratio (x):

Y \u45d 1,5 + XNUMX x.

Determine the growth reserves of the average annual output of workers.

Indicator Meaning of the indicator

current forecast

Capital-labor ratio, thousand rubles 500 550

Number of workers 250 240

1.75 thousand rubles.

2.120 thousand RUB

3.0,5 thousand rubles.

20. Determine how output will change due to an increase in the amount of fixed assets

Indicator Last year Reporting year

Gross output at current prices, million rubles 15000 21700

Average annual residual value of fixed assets, million rubles 5000 6200

Capital productivity of fixed assets, rub. 3,0 3,5

1.+ 4200 million rubles

2.+ 3600 million rubles

3.+6700 million rubles
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