Individual trajectories of professional development

Replenishment date: 25.10.2023
Contents: Individual trajectories of professional development (answers)-2.docx (75.6 KB)
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The choice of the type of both personal and professional career depends...
The progressive advancement of an individual in any field of activity, a change in skills, abilities, qualifications and remuneration associated with the activity is...
The value and significance that a person assigns to himself as a whole and to individual aspects of his personality, activity, behavior is...
Compare the personal characteristics of a person that influence career building with their definitions
Competencies associated with individual characteristics of thinking, temperament, abilities, character, type of motivation of a person and other psychophysiological and social factors are classified as ... competencies
Robert Johansson developed his version of the VUCA-prime behavioral leadership model, which means that adaptation in the VUCA world is possible thanks to...
Turbulence in the context of the modern world order model means...
If a person is decisive, often makes risky decisions, actively communicates, in a situation of emergency he enthusiastically gets involved in activities (after which he may experience a temporary decline), is mobile, somewhat authoritarian - all this means that by temperament he...
Characteristics of a job position/role, expressed in the form of individual criteria - knowledge, skills, specifics of work experience, abilities, motivational components, character traits, etc. - is...
Denis Orlov is a young entrepreneur, age 35. During his life, Denis has already managed to create 10 different businesses. Of these, 2 were sold at a profit, 7 went bankrupt, and now Denis is working on his new startup, attracting funding and forming a team. Denis is an energetic, sociable, optimistic person. Behind his back, his friends call him a “mad genius” for his passion for extraordinary ideas, which he, however, tends to abandon if these ideas do not bring the expected results. Orlov’s family life is developing in a similar way: three divorces, a child from his second marriage, and currently not married. Denis maintains generally friendly relations with all his ex-wives, and friendly relations with his first wife and her new husband. Helps all “former” ones if necessary. Maintains warm emotional contact with the child. From time to time, Denis participates in some socio-political projects: he is nominated for municipal deputies, or he advises local authorities on some investment programs, but he is not a member of any party and does not support any politicians. In general, he has constructive relations with representatives of the authorities of his region. Loves active recreation: diving, motorcycles, alpine skiing, etc. Willingly learns new hobbies. Analyze the behavior of Denis Orlov and determine the type of life scenario of the hero (based on humanistic psychology). Give reasons for your answer.
Professional... is a document drawn up in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, reflecting the content of the labor function, qualification requirements and other features of activity in a specific professional field
The main forms of employee activity, the mandatory components of his professional activity, which are enshrined in job descriptions, are...
A certain level of professional preparedness of an employee to perform a particular type of work of a certain quality and complexity, expressed in categories, is ...
What a person’s labor is aimed at, what the worker influences, modifying and adapting it to meet various personal and social needs is...
Establish a correspondence between the types of professional identity and their characteristics.
Arrange forms of employment in accordance with the level of responsibility (from simple responsibility for completing a task to complex responsibility for the results of all activities):
If you need to find a candidate for a position related to monitoring compliance with instructions and standards, then, in accordance with J. Holland’s personality typology, the most effective
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Professional identity is...
If an experienced professional recruiter recently left a recruiting agency and began to engage in recruitment at the request of various legal entities on the basis of a civil contract, this form of employment can be characterized as...
If an employee strives to be useful to the organization and the team, knows how to establish friendly contacts with colleagues and management, is always ready to support colleagues in the work process, worries not only about his personal results, but also about achieving the goals of the organization as a whole, his type of motivation can be designated How …
Compare the types of installations with their characteristics:
The stage at which the basic needs of an employee are choosing a new field of activity, self-expression at a new level, stabilizing self-esteem, obtaining additional sources of income, maintaining health is called...
Consolidation as a stage of a manager’s career is characterized by...
A career that represents advancement to the “core”, the leadership of the organization and is expressed in gaining access to informal sources of information, in confidential communications and individual important instructions from management, in involving an employee in decision making, is called ... a career
A career in which an employee, having achieved success and a certain status in one type of activity, is able to start a new activity from the lower levels at a new professional level, using the competencies formed at previous levels, is called ... a career
A system of stable motives that regulate an individual’s activity in changing external conditions is called...
Compare approaches to career building with their characteristics:
Gradually accumulated negative changes in the personality and methods of its activities under the influence of performing the same work, associated with psychological stress and causing the manifestation of professionally undesirable qualities, is...
Rank the career types according to the possible job status achieved at the end of the career (from lowest to highest):
Elena is the head of the department (career growth 2 years). Elena joined the company as head of content. She then served as acting project manager, and then management decided to promote her to general director. Elena refused this promotion, because by this time she realized that in the position of general director she would have to say goodbye to her specialty. At the moment, she has settled on this position as a project manager. How can you classify this career type?
High motivation for continuous... is one of the most important personal competencies of a modern specialist, providing him with the ability to constantly master new technologies, strive for professional development, and remain in demand in the labor market
When applying for a job, first of all, the professional and personal competencies of the applicant are assessed, such as... (indicate 4 answer options)
When planning a professional career, it is necessary to evaluate...
An interview aimed at assessing a specific set of personal and business qualities in a future employee and containing direct questions about experience, knowledge, specific skills, habitual methods of action, etc. is...
A document containing basic information about the applicant, his work experience and key competencies is...
A document containing information about the applicant’s competencies, achievements and the most illustrative examples of the work he has performed in the past is...
An interview that contains questions asking the candidate to evaluate not himself, but people in general or some character, is called...
In modern conditions, when recruiting personnel, employers give preference to... (indicate 2 answer options)
Establish a correspondence between the strategic principles of career management and their characteristics:
Diana Koroleva found an attractive vacancy and sent the recruiter her resume with the cover letter below. But recr
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