Philosophy test

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Task 1.
Question 1. The ancient Greeks defined wisdom as:
1. a certain cosmic "Mind";
2. cognition of the "Universum";
3. the doctrine of good and evil.
Question 2. The main thing in the subject of philosophy is:
1. objects;
2. empirical reality;
3. philosophical reflection.
Question 3. Philosophical questions are:
1. questions about natural objects;
2. questions about human-made objects;
3. questions about the relationship of man to natural and man-made objects.
Question 4. Who is the founder of classical German philosophy?
1. I. Kant;
2. G. Hegel;
3. K. Marx.
Question 5. Who developed the system of dialectics as logic and theory of knowledge?
1. G. Hegel;
2. I. Herzen;
3. K. Marx.

Task 2.
Question 1. Who owns the words "I think, therefore I am"?
1.R. Descartes;
2. G. Hegel;
3. B. Spinoze.
Question 2. Where, according to the Stoics, philosophy begins?
1.with logic;
2. from physics;
3. with ethics.
Question 3. What was the main thing in the philosophy of the Stoics?
1. logic;
2. physics;
3. ethics.
Question 4. In the 17th century. the theory of knowledge considered:
1. abstract-theoretical level of knowledge;
2. the moral level of knowledge;
3. all of the above.
Question 5. How many parts of philosophical knowledge did G. Hegel singled out?
1. two;
2. three;
3. five.

Task 3.
Question 1. How many forms of social regulation do you know?
1. one;
2. two;
Question 2. What is the first form of social regulation?
1. myth;
2. religion;
3. all of the above.
Question 3. What is the second form of social regulation?
1. myth;
2. religion;
3. all of the above.
Question 4. In what society can there be no philosophy? the primitive;
2. totalitarian;
3. all of the above.
Question 5. Philosophy, as a doctrine of being and cognition, approaches science:
1. its ontological side;
2. its epistemological side;
3. all of the above.

Task 4.
Question 1. The mythological view is based on:
1. on theoretical conclusions;
2. on reasoning;
3. on the artistic experience of the world.
Question 2. What is the period covered by ancient philosophy?
1 c. BC. -6 in. AD;
2 c. BC. - 3 c. AD;
3 c. BC. -4 in. n. NS.
Question 3. The term "philosophy" arose:
1. in ancient philosophy;
2. in medieval philosophy;
3. in the philosophy of modern times.
Question 4. How many stages of ancient philosophy are traditionally distinguished?
2. three;
3. four.
Question 5. What is the main problem in the philosophy of Hellenism?
1. morality and freedom of a person;
2. "Physis" and "Space";
3. the essence of a person.

Task 5.
Question 1. What stage of medieval philosophy is the main one?
2. scholasticism;
3. all of the above.
Question 2. What is called the sacralization of philosophy?
1. rapprochement with religion;
2. convergence with science;
3. all of the above.
Question 3. Scholastic philosophy highlights:
1. the relationship of reason and faith;
2. the relationship between religion and science;
3. all of the above.
Question 4. The question of the relationship between the general and the individual in scholastic philosophy was decided:
1. from the position of "nominalism";
2. from the standpoint of "realism";
3. all of the above.
Question 5. What period is the philosophy of the Renaissance?
1th -14th centuries
2th -15th centuries
3th -16th centuries

Task 6.
Question 1. What knowledge becomes the ideal in the philosophy of the Renaissance?
2. secular;
3. all of the above.
Additional Information
Question 2. What is the main feature of the philosophy of the Renaissance?
1. anthropocentrism;
2. individualism;
3. deism.
Question 3. Secularization is:
1. rapprochement of philosophy with religion;
2. the liberation of philosophy from church influence;
3. the convergence of philosophy with nature.
Question 4. What period covers the philosophy of modern times?
1th -14th centuries
2th -16th centuries
3th -17th centuries
Question 5. What is the focus of modern philosophy?
1. theory of knowledge;
2. conjugation with the beliefs of Christianity;
3. interest in ancient philosophy and culture. ´

Task 7.
Question 1. Who believed that the only source of knowledge is experience?
1. empiricists;
2. rationalists;
3. the scholastics.
Question 2. What is the period covered by German classical philosophy?
Question 3. Who is the author of the "categorical imperative"?
1. I. Kant;
2. G. Hegel;
3. F. Schelling.
Question 4. Irrationalism is:
1.the direction of postclassical philosophy;
2. the direction of ancient philosophy;
3. direction of philosophy of modern times.
Question 5. Positivism is:
1.the direction of postclassical philosophy;
2. the direction of ancient philosophy;
3. direction of philosophy of modern times.

Task 8.
Question 1. How many stages of the intellectual evolution of mankind singled out O. Comte?
1. one;
2. two;
Question 2. Modernized irrational-mystical ideas about the world spread:
1. in modern Western philosophy of the 20th century;
2. in the philosophy of positivism;
3. in the philosophy of rationalism.
Question 3. How many types of magic do you know?;
3. four.
Question 4. What belongs to the occult sciences?
1. astrology;
2. alchemy;
3. all of the above.
Question 5. What is paranormal?
1. clairvoyance, telepathy;
2.poltergeist, telekinesis;
3. all of the above.

Task 9.
Question 1. The main goal of phenomenology:
1. to build the science of science;
2. to reveal the world of life as the basis of all knowledge;
3. all of the above.
Question 2. When did philosophical anthropology arise?
1. at the end of the 19th century;
2. at the beginning of the 20th century;
3. in the middle of the 20th century.
Question 3. Existentialism as a direction of modern thought arose:
1. in England;
2. in Germany and France;
3. in Russia.
Question 4. Pragmatism has arisen: the 70s of the 19th century. in the USA; the 70s of the 19th century. in England; the 70s of the 20th century. in Russia.
Question 5. Who developed the method of psychoanalysis?
1. 3. Freud;
2. K. Jung;
3. E. Fromm.

Task 10.
Question 1. What is the main problem of personalism?
1. questions of freedom;
2. questions of moral education of a person;
3. all of the above.
Question 2. The main questions of neo-Protestantism are:
1. questions of the cognizance of God;
2. questions of the originality of the Christian faith;
3. all of the above.
Question 3. What is meant by philosophical hermeneutics?
1.the doctrine of understanding and scientific comprehension of the sphere of culture;
2. the doctrine of the human spirit;
3. all of the above.
Question 4. What is the subject of analysis in analytical philosophy?
1. everyday language;
2. linguistic means of science, the language of philosophy;
3. all of the above.
Question 5. What is the essence of the postmodern concept?
1. in criticism of classical philosophy;
2. in criticism of post-classical philosophy;
3. all of the above.

Task 11.
Question 1. When does philosophy begin in Russia? the 11th century; the 18th century; the 19th century.
Question 2. In Russian philosophy, the genre of dystopia originates:
1.with F. Dostoevsky;
2.c. Vl. Solovyov;
3. all of the above.
Question 3. The beginning of independent philosophical thought in Russia is associated with:
1.with Slavophilism;
2.with Westernism;
3. with populism.
Question 4. What period does the philosophy of total-unity cover?
1s-50s of the 70th century;
2. 70s of the 19th century -30s of the 20th century;
3s - 40s of the 60th century
Question 5. Russian religious and philosophical thought saw its spiritual origin in the ideas:
1. Vl. Solovyov;
2. P. Florensky;
3. A. Herzen.

Task 12.
Question 1. What philosophers first began to criticize the mythological picture of the world?
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