7 * HEARTHSTONE EXPERT PACK [Galaxy iPhone / iPad]

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This product represents the completion of the promotion for logging in from a Samsung Galaxy S6 (3 + shirt) smartphone, achievements for the first game from an Android phone and tablet, or iOS devices. Execution of the order takes from 10 to 30 minutes.

Get a choice or add all 3 services to your cart:
- game with iOS - 2 boosters and a shirt Light motives
- game from Android - 2 boosters and a shirt Quest for the legion
- launch with Samsung S6 - 3 boosters and a Galaxy Gifts shirt

Achievements can only be completed once, do not buy this / similar product twice! After purchase, please provide me with the unique product code (the code you purchased) and the information to log into your Hearthstone account.
+ 2
- 1
Great seller, just ***** if I understood correctly ... Reliable **** like a Swiss watch: D
Everything is high quality and fast.
Service does not work