Civilization factors of formation Inter+ Outcome+ Comp

Replenishment date: 14.03.2023
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A. Elevation of a particular person or group of persons in connection with the personal liking of the monarch for them.

B. A system based on the provision of benefits to relatives in a wide variety of areas, including business, politics, entertainment, sports, religion and other activities

C. The set of unelected civil servants serving in public authorities.

D. The ruling elite, formed by appointing candidates approved by the party bodies to key posts at various levels of the state system.

E. Favoritism

F. Nepotism

G. Bureaucracy

H. Nomenclature

... is a set of unelected civil servants working in public authorities.

The object of state administration can be ... (choose 3 correct answers)

· People

Public organizations

· State



The key principles for the formation of a national bureaucracy were outlined in…

China in the 500s BC

Medieval Europe

Renaissance Italy

XNUMXth-XNUMXth century Germany

USA 1920s

Arrange the schools according to the chronology of the ideas:

1. Frederick Winslow Taylor - School of Scientific Management

2. Henri Fayol - classical school of management

3. Elton Mayo - behavioral school

4. School of quantitative methods and social systems theory

5. Situational approach

6. Agile

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A. One-man management implies that the employee, in order to avoid conflicts in the execution of orders, must obey only one boss.

B. Impartiality. The rules of the organization must be followed by everyone, and the methods of control must be applied to all employees equally, without any personal preference.

C. The principle of "schedule" - the administrator must be able to recognize what situation the company is in, what goals it has set, and also see the resources available to achieve it.

D. A. Fayol

E. M. Weber

F. G. Kunz

The closest thing to designate the leadership of a social system is the concept of ...






Public administration in developed democratic countries should not be based on ... (select 2 correct answers)

Personal decision of the leader

· Religious principles

Social traditions

· Regulations

The will of the people

The decision of the constitutional court

The subject of state administration can be ... (choose 3 correct answers)

· State

· State bodies

· People

· Transnational companies

local producers

The difference between public administration and any other type of government lies in the presence of ...


Legitimate Violence

legal obligations


· Official representative

The systemic process of managing an organization, which is based on the functions of drawing up plans, defining policies and procedures, is ...

Public administration implies a legitimate possibility of using ..., in case of violation of the law, destabilization of public order, the threat of overthrowing the constitutional order.

The carrier of activity, consciousness and knowledge; an individual who cognizes the external world (object) and influences it in his practical activity is ...

Leadership over a social system, involving the process of interaction and decision-making by participants involved in the collective solution of a problem, is ...

… is a system based on the provision of benefits to relatives in a variety of areas, including business, politics, entertainment, sports, religion and other activities.

Weber's classical bureaucracy does not mention the existence of...

Services and competencies regulated by law

Rigid hierarchy of state power

Possibilities to control the work of civil servants

Opportunities for advancement according to biased criteria

Ranking of wages depending on the length of service

Complete separation of the performed function from the person

Set according to
Additional Information
The reengineering process uses … to optimize the burden placed on citizens and businesses

The will of the state

One stop shop services

Analysis of information requirements

The principle of "silence = consent"

… is focused on the implementation of formal and informal mechanisms that determine exactly how public decisions are made and how public policy is carried out in terms of preserving the constitutional values ​​of the country in the face of changing problems and conditions.

The changes that shaped NPM began to take place in … years.

In the absence of ... institutions of a special type, the functioning of the Western model of the public administration system either turns out to be formal, or soon ceases to function at all, yielding to the more traditional mechanisms for the society of distribution of power and its implementation.

L. Infantino, in his consideration of society, even brings ... to a marginal extreme point, arguing that there are no classes, no society as such.

... is a doctrine that calls into question generally accepted values, ideals, norms of morality, culture.

The cultural code is based on religious values ​​due to…

· Transcendence




reverse logic

christian morality


In the absence of social institutions of a special type, the functioning of the Western model of the public administration system ... (choose 2 correct answers)

Appears to be formal

・Continues to work

Inferior to traditional regulation mechanisms

Moves to a simpler level of estate-class structure

Transforms into an oriental system model

The Church is the bearer of ... the concept of state and law - the state system, in which the ruling elite in their political activities is guided by the rule of law.

... is a term in philosophy that characterizes phenomena that are fundamentally inaccessible to experimental knowledge.

Liberal idealism considers the possibility of political choice by the individual primarily at the expense of ...

(His) Preferences

The genesis of political institutions

Legislative regulation

· Mechanisms and guarantees of rights and freedoms

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A. The culture of a society is nothing but the totality of the values ​​of its constituent individuals.

B. Culture is the meanings embodied in symbols that serve to communicate, convey information and form attitudes towards life.

C. Culture is the customary beliefs and values ​​passed down from generation to generation by ethnic, religious and social groups.

D. Political culture is a specific pattern of orientation towards political action that is inherent in every political system.

E. The culture of a society is a reality capable of being formed independently of individuals.

F. Luigi Infantino

G. Clifford Girtz

H. Luigi Guiso

I. Gabriel Almond

J. Emile Durkheim

The implementation of the principle of universality of the liberal model of democracy was hindered by /o/a ...

Lack of a basis in the form of a cultural factor in other states

Existence of other theories

1979 Islamic revolution in Iran

Change in Western policy

Lack of interest groups to implement the model
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