Preventive psychological and pedagogical programs

Replenishment date: 26.05.2023
Contents: Preventive psychological and pedagogical programs (ANSWERS) (1).pdf (633.49 KB)
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1. ... is an interdisciplinary direction of the doctrine of the health of the individual, about the ways of its provision, formation and preservation in specific conditions of life *Geoecology *Philosophy of health *Psychoprophylaxis *Valeology 2. ... is a turning point, as a result of which qualitative changes occur in the normal course of mental development * Age crisis * Stress * Deviation * Mental disorder 3. … an approach to the study of personal health considers health from the point of view of a certain optimal level of functioning of the body and psyche *Standardized *Statistical *Normocentric *Phenomenological 4. The individual development of a person from the beginning of life to its end is called ... 5. The criteria for the mental health of a person, according to WHO, include ... (specify 3 answer options) * the ability to change the way of behavior depending on the change in life situations * the ability to dream, fantasize, create and present oneself to the world around * awareness of the constancy and identity of one's physical and mental " I" *correspondence of mental reactions to social circumstances and situations 6. A set of measures to address specific causes and conditions that contribute to the disruption of the normal course of the processes of socialization of the individual provides ... psychoprophylaxis *special *primary *private *individual 7. An unconscious mental process aimed at minimizing, eliminating experiences that are destructive, negative for the psyche, is called ... psyche 8. Oleg is 8 years old. He moved with his family to a new place of residence from Russia to Lebanon. His mother is Russian, his father is an Arab. In the new school, it is difficult for Oleg to establish contact not only with students, but also with teachers. Because of this, the boy sleeps poorly for 4 months, which affects both his academic performance and his emotional state. He withdraws into himself, is apathetic, makes poor contact with loved ones, sometimes shows outbreaks of aggression at school. The school psychologist learned that Oleg felt unsafe in his new environment. He is perceived as a "stranger" in the class, because of this, no one wants to make contact with him. Select the program that needs to be implemented to provide psychological assistance to Oleg. *Collect an anamnesis about the life of Oleg and his family before migration. Suggest a number of measures to deal with outbreaks of aggression. Offer Oleg's parents to have additional diagnostics by a psychiatrist or neurologist in order to rule out mental disorders that aggravate the current complaint. * Arrange an out-of-class meeting aimed at getting students acquainted with Oleg. Suggest games-exercises to strengthen group cohesion. In the event that the situation does not change after these measures, offer parents to transfer Oleg to a new school in order to start all over again. * Conduct supportive individual work with Oleg. To inform Oleg's parents about the peculiarities of the course of adaptation to a new place, proposing a set of measures to improve the emotional state of the child. Conduct activities to improve the competence skills of teachers in working with a migrant child, as well as activities for students and their parents about the peculiarities of ethnic psychology, the main difficulties faced by migrants. 9.
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14. The developed spiritual "I" of a person, understanding himself, his preferences, the presence of interests, purpose and meaning of life are a manifestation of the psychological ... personality 15. Timely diagnosis of mental illness in the early stages of its development refers to ... psychoprophylaxis *primary *secondary *tertiary 16. The state of well-being, in which a person can realize his potential, cope with life's difficulties, work productively, is ... health * psychological * mental * emotional * physical 17. Concepts such as "therapeutic effect", "health", "patient" characterize ... the approach in psychotherapy *medical *psychological *deep *correctional 18. Order the types of psychological assistance according to the degree of their impact, correction, intervention in the internal organization of the personality from less to more profound changes: 1 psychological diagnostics 2 psychological counseling 3 psychotherapy 4 psychological rehabilitation 19. Establish a correspondence between the types of psychoprophylaxis and their focus: A. Primary psychoprophylaxis B. Secondary psychoprophylaxis C. Tertiary psychoprophylaxis D. a set of measures aimed at preventing harmful effects on the human psyche E. early detection and treatment of mental disorders, prevention of adverse trends in their development and spread F. prevention of recurrence of mental illness and rehabilitation of a person who has had a disease 20. Establish a correspondence between approaches to understanding health and their ideas: A. Hollic approach B. Axiological approach C. Phenomenological approach D. Cross-cultural approach E. health is understood as the integrity acquired by a person in the process of his formation F. health acts as a universal human value G. health and disease problems are treated as fundamental aspects of an individual, unique way of being in the world H. health characteristics and criteria are relative and specific 21. The surname of the scientist who is considered the founder of valeology is ... 22. Accidents, fires, natural disasters, evidence of death, wars, severe physical injuries, as a result, lead to ... * emotional exhaustion * post-traumatic stress disorder * mental destruction of the personality * suicidal behavior 23. Adaptive behavioral, aimed at coping with stress, is expressed in ... (specify 3 answers) *seeking help *ability to take responsibility for solving the situation *avoiding confrontation with difficult feelings *sublimation 24. An affective experience that accompanies stress and leads to adverse changes in the human body is ... stress 25. Prolonged absence of a significant adult in a child's life can lead to … *post-traumatic stress disorder *stress reaction *developmental trauma *crisis 26. Woman, 32 years old. “I have been working as a school math teacher for the last three years. I have no family, I have difficulty in communicating with the opposite sex. I also began to experience a lot of stress at work and feel that I need help to put all my thoughts in their places. It is possible that there is some kind of scenario that I drive myself into stress both in relationships and in work. I don't understand how to get out of this. Life is not going quite the way I would like ... "Choose a work strategy in this case. *Must suggest starting dating and speed dating as she won't be able to learn how to talk to men in school. * It is necessary to analyze the specific difficulties of communication during the consultation and give homework to practice communication techniques. *It is necessary to support by offering to change jobs so as not to be stressed and find new acquaintances at a new job. *Must be taught to relieve stress with relaxation techniques. 27.
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