History of state and law of Russia test

Replenishment date: 21.01.2013
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1. The highest measure of punishment according to Russian Truth.
2. Which Kiev prince lowered the usurious interest?
3. The strongest Russian principality in the XII - XIII centuries.
4. What was the name of the most ancient collection of Russian law, the text of which has not reached us?
5. Crimes against religion have long been within the jurisdiction of the church itself. What document for the first time in the history of Russian law included these crimes in secular codification?
6. What principles determined the system of punishments according to the Cathedral Code?
7. The main purposes of punishment according to the Cathedral Code.
8. What books by the middle of the XYI century. made up a system of church law?
9. Which principality was headed by Yuri Dolgoruky?
10. The first all-Russian collection of laws in the Moscow state.
11. What were the names of the documents published after the Cathedral Code and included in the complex of its legal norms?
12. What events accelerated the adoption of the Cathedral Code?
13. Which principality became the center of the unification of Northern Russia from the XIV century?
14. In 1547, Grand Duke Ivan IY was officially proclaimed tsar. What did it matter?
15. What is the difference between a fiefdom and an estate?
16. Branch bodies of central government in the Russian state in the XYI - XYII centuries.
17. When was the Brief Truth published?
18. For a long time, the treaty in Russia was sealed by pronouncing certain ritual formulas in the presence of rumors - guarantors. State control over the execution of the treaty gradually began to increase. The contractual letter began to acquire legal force only after certification in the official instance. When and which document first secured the obligatory entry of the contract in the registration book?
19. When did the Charter of Vladimir Monomakh appear?
20. San of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church in the XYII century.
21. Who first assembled the Zemsky Sobor?
22. The most powerless subject of law according to Russian Pravda.
23. When was the Old Russian state with its capital in Kiev formed?
24. When was the first, "temporary" ban on the transition of peasants on St. George's Day?
25. When was the widespread system of immunity for boyar estates?
26 In which Russian states did the republican system take shape?
27. The most famous monument of Russian law of the times of feudal fragmentation.
28. What punishments were imposed according to the Cathedral Code for the murder of your child and what for the murder of an outsider?
29. Local estate - representative bodies from the middle of the XYI century.
30. Which Russian sovereign was first officially proclaimed tsar?
31. What Russian principalities submitted to Lithuania?
32. Which of the old customs is fully preserved by the Russian Truth?
33. How was the theft punished according to the Cathedral Code?
34. Mongolian khans burned Moscow more than once. The last time they did this was after the overthrow of the Mongol yoke. The troops of which Tatar-Mongol Khanate burned Moscow for the last time? When it was? What reason prevented you from fighting back?
35. Which of the revolutionaries called their program Russian Truth?
36. What crimes were put on the first place in the system of crimes in the Cathedral Code?
37. The legal status of a teenager upon reaching the age of 15 in the XYII century.
38. What was said about torture in the Cathedral Code of Alexei Mikhailovich?
39. When was Yaroslav's Truth published?
40. What we considered the sources of the Cathedral Code.
41. At what age - according to the Cathedral Code - did people receive the right to accept the kiss of the cross / oath / in court?
42. Name the supporters of the Norman theory.
43. Which of the Russian princes and tsars abolished the death penalty?
44. The highest official in Novgorod the Great.
45. Name the second edition of Russian Pravda.
46. ​​What document first defined ecclesiastical jurisdiction in Russia?
47. What is the punishment provided for in the Cathedral Code for smoking tobacco?
48. Name the oldest monument of Russian law, the text of which science has?
49. What is the age of marriage established by Stoglav?
50. What document for the first time in Russia regulates the use of torture?
51. Civil and p
Additional Information
1.In the legal system of the Russian Empire in the first half of the XIX century.
2.The Criminal and Correctional Penalties Code of 1845 exempted from corporal punishment
3. The "Constitution" of Nikita Muravyov established in Russia
4. The table of ranks provided for the following methods of acquiring the nobility:
5.The regulatory material in the PSZ was located
6.According to the Code of Laws, testamentary law was deprived
7.The gentry under Peter I included
8. "Russian Truth" P.I. Pestel assumed
9. Under Peter 1, cases of state crimes were under the jurisdiction of
10 the best evidence was considered
11. Features of the emergence of absolutism in Russia (in comparison with the countries of Western Europe):
12.To implement the ideas of "enlightened absolutism" Catherine II was prevented
13 the Church was stripped of political influence as a result
14.Correctional punishments according to the Code of 1845 included
15. Normative material in the Code of Laws was located
16.The collegiums were headed by
17.According to the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire, legal capacity was determined
18.To strengthen the position of hereditary nobility
19.In the XNUMXth century. feudal ownership
20. The basic legal system of the Russian Empire in the XVIII century. were
21. The main sources of marriage and family law under Peter I were
22.In accordance with the provincial reform of Peter I, the territory of the Russian Empire was divided into
23. The penalties provided for in the 1845 Code included
24.The Complete Collection of Laws (PSL) included
25. A multi-stage system for appealing court sentences and decisions appeared in Russia
26. Collegiums created by Peter 1 replaced
27. In the first place in the military article were
28. The subjects of land ownership under the Code of Laws could be
29. The restoration of the primacy in 1845 meant that henceforth
30.The Senate created by Peter I was at first
31 Peter I became emperor
32. "Certificate for the rights, liberties and advantages of the noble Russian nobility" 1785
33.The ministries created in 1802 differed from the Peter's collegiums in that
34.Founded in 1810, the State Council
35. Program for the creation of military settlements A.A. Arakcheeva had a goal
36 The Russian nobility was exempt from compulsory military service
37. The deprivation of all rights of the state according to the Code of Penalties of Criminal and Correctional "1845 meant
38. The military reform of Peter I introduced in Russia
39. Features of the development of Russian legislation in the XNUMXth century:
40 In the first half of the XNUMXth century. were included in the Russian Empire
41. The development of capitalist relations, the industrial revolution led in the first half of the XNUMXth century. to
42 The serfdom was provided for contracts
43.Sources of criminal procedure law in the first half of the XIX century. were
44.The Council of State owned
45. According to the "Establishment of the provinces" of 1775, the judicial system in Russia
46.The spread of property and personal rent in the era of absolutism was caused by
47 nobles were freed from corporal punishment
48.The Senate has finally become the highest court of justice with:
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