I went from Berlin. (Backing track)
Replenishment date: 01.11.2009
Content: 91101170146710.mp3 (2.34 MB)
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A piece of music for performance with accompaniment. (Exclusive). Berlin is the name of the city for every Russian meaning victory not only in the great war, but also the victory of good over evil. Of course, not many returned from that war, but the joy of returning was so great that the soul and my heart wanted to sing and dance, so much so that no one could resist supporting such a Russian dance. The arrangement itself was created under such an impression. The flying train inevitably brings closer that cherished meeting of two loving people, two fiery hearts who experienced pain, suffering, the pangs of parting, betrayal, hunger, the death of close comrades who shared the last. Yes, joy and happiness simply "overflows." completion and an equally justified ending of the work. A rushing train, the joy of anticipation of a peaceful lifeall this can be seen in the text and in the aggregate when performing the work.